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Everything posted by WVUFootball29

  1. Quote of the day!!!!!!!!!
  2. Agreed that would have been a nice alignment for some intense regional rivalries. Especially since they are all within a single days drive of each other. Those games would be electric. However, the NFL looks at it schedule by television ratings not by tickets sold...that is a team issue...so they put the most marketable teams playing each other more often.
  3. I fear for the lives of WRs that have to face someone like Whitner at FS when they go up for a pass. As for Simpson, he did play a little CB at USC...wonder if when he heals up completely he might get some looks there given our depth lately
  4. No better example of how mistakes kill you than the 2006 offense and this years Arizona game.
  5. One of the best commercials I've seen in a long time. Nothing crazy over the top like Nike is famous for.
  6. Everytime I see your avatar I wish I was the Stanley Cup for just a short moment in time.
  7. Was such a short post, I scrolled right past it Wow what a pain in the rear...and then to have all the charges dropped after that. Guess if you're old and you fuss you can get away with anything. Granted I would have loved to see the look on the younger officers face when she started giving him the business. If any of you know about the place where I work, Chautauqua Institution, we have a large assortment of ornery old bags and I always love sending rookies to deal with them just to watch their reactions when they flip out on them. its priceless Alls well that ends well I suppose...however I think the Tanis' need to get some sort coaching...the dad can't hit a receiver that can't out run an old lady? Athletic family
  8. LOL, haven't heard a dennis the menace reference in ages. Actually I did have a neighbor just like that who would threaten us when we played baseball and the tennis ball rolled from my yard to his. Never had the cops involved though...granted he did threaten to kill us a few times...we were much too fast for him Which leads me to my next point. Elders should not be taking balls away from our youth, especially ones that are too slow to beat them in a foot race. They should be encouraging them to play because God know how out of shape a kid as to be to lose a footrace to an 89 year old.
  9. Fences do make better neighbors. Property damage from something like that is definitely justification for a fence....and maybe a citation for the doggie parents that don't clean up after their kids. Question, if the father was against filing any charges, how did the police get involved?
  10. Agreed that the kid should be faster than the old lady...that is very sad for today's youth... However, technically, yes just because something comes onto your property does not give you legal ownership. Say your friend parks in your driveway, you don't get ownership of the vehicle. If you guys get into a fight and you damage his car, you're liable for the damages whether it was on your property or not. Finders keepers doesn't hold up in court, especially if you know where the item came from and the statute of limitations for the said situation hasn't expired. Now if the football was found in her yard and no one claimed it for X amount of days, then yes, she can claim ownership of the ball and is not required to give it back if someone tries to claim it.
  11. My guess is that they make most of their money off their magazine subscription and use this online paper as an advertising agent to get readers hooked on their product. Plus it is a good possibility that they use the information they get when you register for the site as direct advertising leads. Still, it is a very good site with nice articles
  12. After the 3rd incident and refusing to accept a citation. So apparently this wasn't the first time this had happened. Age is only a number, you act like a jerk, you get treated like one. Would this have been more acceptable if she was only 59? Please also realize that arrest doesn't always include being tackled to the ground and handcuffed. What I'm sure happened was she was taken down the police station, booked, issued an appearance ticket then brought home. Heck, technically in the eyes of the law, you are being arrested if you are given an appearance ticket, even without being cuffed and taken to the PD. Seriously, if she was having problems with the ball in her yard and the kids parents were not trying to remedy the situation, she could have very well just called the police for trepassing on her property. While the police probably won't arrest the kid, it might give the family a wake up call to keep better tabs on baby junior son of a b*tch. Just the .02 cents from a lowly patrol officer
  13. http://texastech.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=866497 Only Mike Leach could pull off a gimmick like this
  14. Blast, you're right...couldnt remember which tweener DE/LB went where off the top of my head
  15. Passing on Mangold was a mistake, especially with the weak state of the center position for the Bills ever since Hull retired. However, everyone was on the "We need to draft DTs" bandwagon at the time. Without using hindsight, McCargo was an okay selection, but a bit of a reach to move up that far to get him when there were plenty of choices still on the board where we could have picked instead. Plus Mario Williams and Kameron Wimbley (I think was the other DE/LB from NCState) helped make McCargo look really good on tape.
  16. Could always just buy a bunch of MREs from your local Army/Navy
  17. Has anyone here worked with or is currently working with the program Kubotek keycreator? The engineers in my department here at work are using it and I'm trying to troubleshoot one particular case. My Eng keeps getting an out of memory exception when he tries to print. We've tried 3 different computers at his workstation and each do the same using up to 2 gigs of ram. However, when he takes the file to any other computer that has the program he can print just fine, even on a much less powerful computer. I've been trying all morning to figure out this problem with no luck. any ideas?
  18. As much as I hate to do it...gotta give Crayonz props for that one
  19. Great more NYC Garbage being shipped upstate
  20. Said it before and I'll say it again. Jones was a punk even while at WVU. RichRod just always let him and Chris Henry off the hook because they could play. I hope they both get whats coming to them.
  21. Nothing like jumping ship just in case it sinks. I mean hey you never know, they do get icebergs in Jacksonville once in a while don't they?
  22. Hell, I know I'd play a lot harder in that stadium, by far one of the nicest facilities in the NFL. Its too bad with the way things are in Buffalo it'll take an act of God for the Bills to get a new facility remotely in that class. Personally, I'd love to see a new stadium downtown somewhere. Maybe the Bills and the University of Buffalo could get together on this and share a facility much like the Steelers and Pittsburgh do at Heinz Field.
  23. I'd say over half the posters on here are jokes of fans. Many of them have 2 accounts, one for when the Bills win and one for when they lose. That way they can never be wrong in their predictions and toot their own internet horns all day.
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