Ugh, isn't that the age old question. Truthfully, when I went to WVU for Sport Management my goal was to become an Athletic Director or work in a front office in pro sports. However, to even sniff a job like that, you gotta know someone who knows someone who probably slept with someone. I'm still looking in that field, Teamwork online pretty much lists everything. Just haven't gotten a hit yet.
Otherwise, what I'm looking to do is just about any type of management. My education has been in business administration and technology management, but most of my work experience has been in law enforcement. The toughest time I've had is trying to tie what I did as a police officer over to the business world. I'm hoping that when I get my MBA this spring that will help me some too, but I'm not holding my breath.
Just an example of a typical week for me doing a job search. I check the area classifieds, I check craigslist, I check, I'll check the big three job searches, then linkedin/indeed, teamwork online, and a few companies I've had interest in.
As I wrote this post, I received an email from the department of homeland security about some contract specialist positions and they are requesting more information from me. this, plus the Aldi interview is the most attention I've gotten since last October.