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Everything posted by WVUFootball29

  1. Someone should tell Leodis McKelvin that
  2. Especially considering Butler and Smith were the GMs
  3. sure looks like a john butler draft to me...
  4. Yes. You can use the elastic bands for lat pull downs which can be supplemented for the pull ups, they will show you in the videos how to substitute exercises if needed. I've used both the iron gym and perfect pull up on my door frames and havent had any issues with myself at 210 or my brother in the 260 range.
  5. Romeus is a steal after the 5th round, and with his injury history he may very well drop that far. He played well late this season leading me to believe he is getting closer to 100%
  6. He's an intriguing prospect, but only rated a 47 by Scouts Inc. meaning he's seen as an UDFA. Personally I think he's one of the better QBs in college football, but not sure how he translates at the NFL level. I have him going no earlier than round 5 right now.
  7. Big East hasn't looked too bad this bowl season, outside of WVU totally not showing up against NC St...
  8. 425 and the Nickel are different defenses
  9. The 425 defense consists of 4 down lineman, 2 linebackers, 2 corners and 3 safeties. One of these safeties is called the "Bandit" and is used more like a linebacker to blitz and attack the ball carrier. The idea behind this defense and its cousin 335 (used by WVU) is to put more speed on the field to counter the spread option offense. A power running game is very dangerous against this type of defense because it typically lacks the size and strength to shut it down between the tackles. These defenses are becoming more popular in college due to the success and rampant use of the spread option. However, at the NFL level where players are bigger and stronger the lack of size on the field would put the defense at a distinct disadvantage.
  10. Little early for April fool's?
  11. Suspect number 18 Levi Detweiler http://www.aolnews.com/2010/12/28/stupid-crime-really-doesnt-pay-2010s-dumbest-criminals/
  12. I recommend the bowflex seletech dumbells because you can change weights very quickly and are worth the investment. Some of the more generic versions aren't bad either. Otherwise, just the resistance bands and maybe a yoga mat are all you really need. High ceilings are a plus because you will be jumping and doing overhead lifts
  13. And my wife can watch hours of it :wallbash:
  14. 23 year old man,50 year old wife?
  15. It all depends on the count, but in most situations I don't recommend it. Plus it won't win you many friends among the other players
  16. I don't see Cam Thomas doing any better than Troup. Thomas played in 5 games for SD amassing 7 tackles and 2 sacks. Troup, 14 games, 2 starts and 19 tackles. If it weren't for the amount of injuries at TE this year I don't think anyone would be complaining. Can't predict injures in April
  17. Yeah I've seen people waste so much money on bids they just burn on certain items its crazy. Kinda like the people who split Kings on the blackjack table. So far I've gotten 2 copies of CoD Black Ops, 2 doz golf balls for next year, a pair of Spy sunglasses for my wife, and a 25 bid voucher for around $110 including my bid purchases and saved a grand retail value of over 200 The way I do it is, I find an item I'm willing to pay retail value for and buy just enough bids to cover the purchase cost using the buy it now feature and then bid til I win or have to buy it now. I use my remaining bids to grab other items that I know I can get for only a few bids
  18. Love quibids have had a great experience with them and have found some really good deals. Once you learn what you are doing you can really get some great deals.
  19. Looking for military aviators that I could talk to about the application process and such. Please send me a PM
  20. Sheesh you should have warned me, I opened that at work!!!
  21. One of my personal favories http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQrdxtWgHbE
  22. and a merry christmas to all and to all an ignore...
  23. LOL this thread is quickly becoming the poster child for self policing
  24. BB do you know if they will be having a men's treatment option anytime soon?
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