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Everything posted by WVUFootball29

  1. Because we are a smashmouth rushing offense....
  2. No they are not related...But his dad was an NFL Linebacker He is the son of Brad Van Pelt, an All-America linebacker at Michigan State who later played in the NFL with the N.Y. Giants (1973-83), L.A. Raiders (1984-85) and Cleveland Browns (1986)
  3. Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooole
  4. I would not be suprised if vince stays put one more year and puts together another NC/Heisman run, especially if they lose to USC this year. the kid seems to have a level head on his shoulders, but we'll see what comes up in the coming weeks.
  5. Tru tru....you would think that drafting and management philosophies would come up in a job interview like that...somewhere between, "What drugs have you used," and "Tell me why I should pick you over the other candidates" you would think that would be asked.
  6. I recall just about everyone wanting Winslow in Buffalo that draft so bad they could taste it. Just goes to show skills arent everything...gotta have a head and at least some brains to make it in the NFL. BTW it makes me wonder if Soulja boy got some training wheels from Santa this year As for the Super Bowl purge...well at least they made it to the Super Bowl and by the looks of things that's all most people in Buffalo want, Win right now and we'll worry about tomorrow then.
  7. As per KFFL (a highly reliable source of Pro Football News ) Always a no comment or answering a question with another question with this guy. He reminds me of the 80's businessman who took over Planet Express for an episode of futurama. What worries me about him is that his method of promoting his players is to create drama and with the circus that is the Buffalo Bills organization these days we dont need WM turning into the TO of the 2006 season.
  8. Sure why not...while we are at it we can bring Marv back to runthe team and Jim Kelly will be the new QBs coach...
  9. Moorman is at least getting recognition as the best punter in the AFC
  10. Well, I was making my daily trip through the Buffalo Niagara Int'l, you know just to see if any NFL coaches were there....and I swear this guy who looked like Fred Savage was there.
  11. Perhaps with a side of retatta since they take about the same amount of time??? sorry couldnt resist
  12. If its one cookie today, it'll be two tomorrow, and three the next....and so on and so on and so on until we have another grossly obese member of the population. So to me its simple, slim down America, choose stun guns over cookies
  13. Broad analysis...could be twisted enough to be correct anyway you choose to look at it...but give yourself a pat on that back for being so smart....
  14. Our entire draft and OLine for Brees.............and his entire offensive line because Brees would look just as Bad as JP and Cap'n DinkandDuck did this season...QB isnt going to save us...only an OL that knows how to block will.
  15. Best option so far....
  16. Darin my monitor thanks you...it needed a bath
  17. LOL sorry AD that whole thing wasnt directed at you, just the first paragraph You are right though, this team is mentally soft and that has been the downfall for them. Cmon we can light up cincy but blow a 21 point lead to the Dolphins? That pretty much proves its not the talent of the team that is lacking, but the structure and character. That responsibility of shaping the team falls on the shoulders of the coaching staff and I dont think MM really knows how to control/manage his players. Willis McGahee will is a nice example. McGahee played bad at the beginning of the year, MM called him out and he played better for a few games, then WM starts playing bad again and we've heard nothing out of MM. Mike, stop and think for a second, you lit a fire under WM's ass and he ran better than he had all season, what do you do when he slows down again??? Seems pretty simple to me, you light another fire under his ass and get him moving again. To answer the argument that the players say they back MM 100%, well duh of course they are going to say that. Its a PR move, how many coaches do you think are going to be interested in coming to this team if it looks like management lets the players run the team and pick and choose who coaches them? Whether they truly are behind him or not we'll never truly know, but the sporadic play of this team and players pulling themselves out of games would lead me to believe they are not.
  18. LOL...your avatar really fits you LB
  19. He's on the sidelines often, but other than a few hopefuls on this board, its highly doubtful Jimbo is interested, or is being considered as a coach on this team right now.
  20. AD our line is just as bad and already got him knocked silly a couple times this year...If he starts fulltime behind this line, it'll be Cleveland all over again. Think of it this way...either way we are putting all our faith into an unproven QB (KH has shown me no proof that he can bring this team to the playoffs, i.e. NE game 1 choking in the clutch) One is 33 and the other is 25 next season, I dont see what good it is going to do if we give the reigns to KH, let him start 2 maybe 3 seasons, then draft another QB and go through all this mess again??? If anyone thought this team was a playoff contender this year with either QB at the helm, well you could also tell me the flavor of Kool-Aid that TD was serving. but there is no need to set this team back 3 more years because we might have a slightly better chance of winning 3 more games with KH than JPL. I think it is a ludicrous idea to give up on a QB after his first 8 unconsecutive starts in this league, especially for a guy who hasn't done much of anything in 9 seasons.
  21. Kinda like listening to TBD on the radio??? 2 or 3 good posts a night and blah the rest?
  22. Weak at best??? The team isnt making a commitment to him...anytime he starts to play bad he gets yanked. I'm sorry, but you can't expect a QB to develop if there isnt any consistency in his practice and playing time. Its like a starting pitcher in baseball...he's not going to get many wins if you yank him out of the lineup in the 5th inning on a consistent basis and have him alternate between the starting rotation and the bullpen. This team needs to pick and QB and stay with him. Personally, I'd find it a complete waste of a first round pick if we decide to put Losman on the bench. BTW, Cap'n DinkandDuck hasnt proven to be much better this year...he's won 3 games...3 games. And out of those games the only one he really played well in was the Cincy game. He's been in the league 9 years and has never been a consistent starter...there might be a reason for that. "But JP has only won 2 games and cost us many more." Yeah he's only won 2 games, but I fail to see any that he has lost single-handedly for us. The problem this year with Losman at the beginning was that he was getting his feet wet for the first time, which is understandable for a first year starter. Then he got yanked, some think that helped because when he came back as the starter he looked better...but I think he would have gotten his feet under him without being demoted. In the games Losman started after the KC game, MM pretty much made Losman the focal point of the offense and put the entire burden of scoring on his shoulders. We pretty much abandoned our running, (see the Miami debacle for proof) and at no point this season did the coaching staff design the offensive gameplan so that JP only had to manage the offense. Take a look at Big Ben's first year at QB, Roethlisberger 2004 , at no point in that season was Ben asked to shoulder the entire load of the offense, nor was his offense put in a tough situation by his defense. Thats good coaching! If buffalo has anyone hope of improving next year they need to pick one QB and stay with him. If the Bills have no confidence in Losman they might as well cut him and grab a solid back up for General Checkdown, because I'm sure JP, like any first round pick, is not going to be satisfied with the number 2 role, which will only make things worse in the Buffalo locker room.
  23. Well apparently I'm not going to get at least one serious answer so I'm closing the topic. I think we all know that the trade for Rivers is a dumb idea
  24. Apparently no one is actually reading the post other than the trade for Rivers part. I know its a dumb idea, its probably the dumbest thing I've heard of lately other than the gloom and doomers complaining about last weeks win. All i want to know is if anyone else heard this on WGR and what program it was on.
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