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Everything posted by WVUFootball29

  1. My take on RFAs is like using a draft pick on a more sure thing. Basically you know what you are getting at a pro level with the pick you give up. That being said, unless the player you are getting is already a proven star in the league I cant see spending above a 4th round pick for an RFA, except in Buffalo's situation this year where we have 2 third round picks. For those advocating that we sign a FA OL that is young to sure up the line for years to come, while I like that idea, there just arent really that many this year. I think the best plan of attack at this point is to sign up depth and some solid roleplayers on the line this year via free agents and use 2 early picks to draft our lineman of the future. I like Black for a 5th round pick...better than pretty much anything we'll find in the draft that late. Quick FYI: where I listed the RFAs the number to the right is the compensation pick to be given in exchange for signing rights.
  2. Must have missed that somewhere along the lines... Also, I forgot to post the current RFAs on the line...so here they are: Tackles: Pashos, Tony Baltimore 1st round comp Wand, Seth Houston 3rd Black, Jordan KC 5th Tucker, Torrin Dallas Right of First Refusal Hunter, Wayne Seattle 3rd Guards: Kooistra, Scott Cincy 7th Freitas, Makoa Indy 6th Manuwai, Vincent Jacksonville 3rd Dielman, Kris San Diego 1st Holland, Montrae New Orleans 4th Dockery, Derrick Washington 1st Centers:
  3. The following are the available FA OL Tackles: Haayer, Adam Arizona Stokes, Barry Atlanta Fordham, Todd Carolina Price, Marcus Dallas Barry, Kevin Green Bay Runyan, Jon Philadelphia Clement, Anthony San Francisco Steussie, Todd Tampa Bay Walker, Kenyatta Tampa Bay Vollers, Kurt Indianapolis Pearson, Mike Jacksonville Salaam, Ephraim Jacksonville McDougle, Stockar Miami Ashworth, Tom New England Gragg, Scott NY Jets Slaughter, Chad Oakland Guards: Allen, Ian Arizona Reyes, Tutan Ruegamer, Grey Green Bay Nutten, Tom St. Louis Brown, Ray Washington Neal, Steve New England Goodwin, Jonathan NY Jets Hulsey, Corey Oakland Centers: Conaty, Billy Arizona Mitchell, Jeff Carolina Gutierrez, Brock Detroit Flanagan, Mike Green Bay Fowler, Melvin Minnesota Withrow, Cory Minnesota Teague, Trey Buffalo Pucillo, Mike Cleveland Walter, Tyson Houston McKinney, Seth Miami Hallen, Bob San Diego Still got some choices worth considering, but starting to run out of names. My picks are in bold.
  4. What do ya gotta make fun of my golf skills for???
  5. But can he do the Icky Shuffle???
  6. No apparently you have trouble with numbers. JP currently costs us 1.6 million against the 2006 cap. If he is cut, his cap savings is -2.3 million. Meaning that it would cost us an additional $700,000 in cap space. How is that an economical savings? One more time for the slow group, Colin. JP on the Bills costs 1.6 million against the cap. JP cut from the Bills costs 2.3 million against the cap. 1.6 < 2.3
  7. Wonderlic, Inc. I'm pretty sure I spelled it the same way the company spells it....but if you have a special way of spelling it...go right ahead
  8. I'm not certain, but I dont think the NFL makes the wonderlic scores public anymore. I've not seen any official scores anywhere yet
  9. The reason there is no attempt to trade for these players is the Bills would only have to give up a 6th round pick for Wells if they sign him and for Idonije they wouldnt have to give up anything as the Bears have the right to refuse the first offer. If they were to trade for these two players they would likely have to give up more. As for Williams, how do you know they aren't trying to sign him? Just because KFFL hasn't reported that Buffalo sent him an email stating possible interest doesnt mean there hasn't been interest expressed. Hang tight and see what comes up. As any smart businessman knows, you can't always bite on the first deal that comes along.
  10. I disagree...WVU players might not be able to pass that bar, but the fans can (well most at least). The combined wonderlic of Rasheed Marshall, Adam "Pacman" Jones, and Chris Henry in 2005's combine was less than 20. Marshall the QB scored an 8, Jones a 6, and I think Henry scored somewhere between 4 and 6....I dont recall the exact score.
  11. Oh, but according to our self-proclaimed capologist Colin that isn't that much and it could be done in a snap.....
  12. All I have seen on the net is that he is visiting with Dallas today...no news of a signing.
  13. Should I get some pickle juice for the plate? you know, add a little extra flavor?
  14. Blah...wrong spelling of Buchanan...you got me
  15. Just for S n G's should the mods require newbies to take a wonderlic before they are allowed to post? If yes, what should the minimum score be? I say yes and 15 is fair.
  16. This just in...John Clayton reports that sometime in the Future Eric Moulds will retire...a specific date has not yet been set.
  17. a 6th round pick for Ramsey is an absolute steal...and with Pennington being damaged goods, I think there is still a chance they grab a QB....but that chance has dropped significantly. RB or OT wouldnt surprise me now. Heck if the Jets get a 1st rounder for Abraham...I wouldnt be surprised if they traded the 4th pick and maybe the 31st to Houston for the Number 1 to take Reggie Bush. Houston would like to trade down and fill holes...and D'Brick is more of what they need in Houston than another running back.
  18. If Orlovsky gets the axe...I'd snatch him up in a minute. I think he can really turn into something in this league after a few years....kinda like Marc Bulger who rode the pine in ST. Louis for a while. I like Fitzpatrick as well, but like Orlovsky its gonna take time before he is ready to really make a difference. since we already have at least one Work in Progress QB and another Constant Road Work Ahead QB I dont see this year as the year to pick up another QB project.
  19. LMAO...Kirwan is an absolute moron if he thinks the Bills cut ties with Losman this season. makes no sense capwise, rosterwise.
  20. how many names are you going to create today?
  21. You can thank the new rushed CBA for that. It allowed Washington more space this year. but I guess RW is still an idiot for voting no.
  22. Faine is worth that second 3rd round pick to me. I have a feeling he'll move over to guard though in Cleveland
  23. Graduated from West Virginia University with a bachelors in Sport Management..... but after a year of frustrating "thanks but we need 2-3 years of experience for an entry lvl position" I went into the police academy and am currently working as a local cop and hoping to become an FBI agent in the next 3 years.
  24. If mangold doesnt fall to us in the 2nd...Greg Eslinger wouldnt be a bad pick with our first 3rd rounder...pretty good college center.
  25. Sweet, give it to a proven scrub...I'd rather move Trey back to tackle than give him another season as center
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