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Everything posted by WVUFootball29

  1. My turn to play QB: Billy Joe Hoebert, RB: Nate Turner, Darick Holmes, WR:Al Edwards, Russel Copeland FB: Tim Tindale (sorry homers) TE: Lonnie Johnson T: Mike Williams, Glenn Parker G: Jamie Nails, Mike Pucillo. Glenn Parker, Mike Devlin C: Teague, Mike Devlin DE: Erik Flowers DT: Leif Larsen, Mike Lodish, Ed Philion OLB: Eddie Robinson, Marlo Perry MLB: Brandon Spoon CB: Chris Watson, Marlon Kerner FS: Matt Darby SS: Tony Driver K: Jake Arians P: ST: Charlie Rogers HC: Mularkey OC: Kevin Gilbride DC: ST:
  2. I saw the skit and it went like this... This one guy puts a "Kick Me" sign on the back of another person in what looks like a school hallway. All of a sudden you see a football player come running in and miss the kick ala Charlie Brown style and the guy who put the sign on the others back says, "You suck Scott Norwood....F*cking Jerk" I've got the episode on my DVR...I'll try to get it online.
  3. That might be it...can't remember offhand...next time I get a pack I'll let yall know
  4. Blue Light Canadian Light Sam Summer all great hot day beers
  5. Peroni is one of my faves and Stella Artois is pretty good too. If you go to Sam's they should have a case of beers called taste of the world which has a sixer of 4 different beers: Peroni from Italy, Fosters from Australia, Tyskie from Poland, and one from the Czech Rep. whose name escapes me at the moment. Couple others worth trying are Grolsch and Warsteiner, not bad either. Going to have to give AD's beer of choice a chance if I can find a place to buy it around here.
  6. I'm going to give it a shot. I'll rent it from gamefly like I do almost all my games...the only ones I buy before I play them are NCAA and Madden Football
  7. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE no rifle hunting in Chautauqua County. Not that I'm against it, but damn it those nutjobs that come from Ohio on the weekends are dangerous enough with shotguns, I dont want them coming with highpower rifles......
  8. Well now that hockey is gone for another year, what are you all watching on DVD? My current list is: Munich Troy Casablanca 40 year old virgin Schindlers List
  9. might I suggest an inexpensive but very very nice scope to you. 4-16AO I have this on my current rifle and it is very nice, especially for the price. Worth a shot for 40 bucks
  10. hard to picture a little guy like london going to school on a basketball scholarship
  11. Nothing like a cold Iron City 40...my 40 of choice in college
  12. I have to agree that the upper deck in the first couple rows at midfield are great for watching the game
  13. Man, we're not talking about talent we're talking about pizza....Pizza man. well so much for my allen iverson, but I think you might know where I was going with that
  14. Man when you said here's to the real hero I thought this was going to turn into a Tedy Bruschi thread
  15. Funny I always promised my girlfriend that when I went out I'd only have 2 beers.....I just always failed to mention how big the beers would be
  16. its kinda like Fidel Castro. It just lives on forever simply to piss people off
  17. I wonder which will die first....Ralph Wilson or this thread....
  18. No, but if he was...all he would have to do is have one good game and we'll trade for him with our first pick in 07. That way we wouldnt be reaching at all
  19. Here's the link Mike Williams on Bucs roster
  20. too bad OTR doesnt have a recipe that involves pickle juice or magic stoves
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