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Posts posted by cashfruit

  1. timmy chang will be a career 3rd stringer at best. as for leinart, i cant tell him what to do but, his stock cant go up any higher so whats his point in stayin in school? i mean he went there as a route to the nfl (i assume) now the chance presents itself, maybe the 1st pick, and he wants risk an injury or risk becoming kyle orton. if it works out, great, if not he'll be rethinkin his choice for the rest of his life.

  2. i could see havin a loaded gun handy if they lived on fillmore but lancaster? i blame no one but the parents. how do you not teach your 16 year son the danger of a rifle, look keep the gun if you feel safe with it but now what happened because you didnt take the time to do it right, a dead girl and a kid whos life is gonna be screwed up forever. they should also interrogate the sh*t outta him too in case this wasnt an accident, its not unheard of.

  3. i dont like francis but give the guy a little break, he played with mobley for long time and they admitedly were best friends, that wake up in the morning comment was out there but i know what hes sayin. he knows this is the nba though and you cant afford to get close to someone because trades are so frequent. id be more angry that now christies my teammate.

  4. They hired fans to shovel snow out of the stadium yesterday.  They do that every year, offering $8/hour to people.  People line up to get the "job," sometimes even paying people money to skip ahead in line.  Crazyness.





    the fans shovel the stands not the field. they said last year 1000 people came to shovel.

  5. you know whats worse then that? a human versus a trailor. at the allentown art festival in 1991 i was there with my mother and witnessed with my own 2 eyes a mans head get run over by the back tire of a trailor that was hooked to the back of a truck. but before he got ran over his arm got caught in the womens rear view mirror and ripped off only to be held on with by the skin of his shoulder. i swear to god the guys head was squished flat to the size of about 3 frisbees stacked on top of each other with brains leekin onto the street, this happened on the first block of allen st comin from main. look it up if you dont believe me.

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