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Everything posted by cashfruit

  1. yeah fired. if he would of like you said just went on and continued to say "kunior" and didnt stop at "kun" he might of been alright.
  2. after quite the search, i found it. http://www.wiredvideo.com/clips/av9/weatherman-mlc.mp3 left click
  3. sorry no link, they played it like 5 times on howard stern either thurdsay or friday. i'll look though, maybe i can find it.
  4. yeah, you just read it. you ask me what i have to offer but you put your dog on a timeout. you gotta be the only person who thinks a dog knows what a timeout is. im done, good luck. hopefully your dog wont encounter another pitbull, but if it does remember its your fault because you insist she loves the dog park when its obvious shes stressed out there, why the dogpark? walk her around the block or somethin.
  5. ok, we know (as humans) what a timeout is. the dog doesnt. thats in the category of walkin into a room that your dog chewed up 2 hours ago (you just noticed it) and tryin to punish it for bein a bad. but the dog doesnt know why its bein punished because it doesnt realize your mad at him for chewin up the room, it associates gettin yelled at with you comin into the room. so make a habit of it and whenever you walk into the room its gonna get scared. heres my question though, when shes on timeout do you make her face the corner? geesh? get a grip.
  6. yeah i saw that tourettes yesterday, did you hear the one weatherman from last week say "martin luther koon"? that was funny, it was a mistake though it sounded like he mixed king and junior together, we've all jumbled our words before so it didnt seem like a big deal, to me anyway but he got fired regardless.
  7. obviously the dog feels uncomfortable at the dog park, so maybe dont bring it there anymore, its stressin it out. is the dog spade? if not i suggest gettin that done its a sure fire way to melow it out. and what the hell is a dog "timeout"? do you think it knows why its on timeout or what a timeout is?
  8. hey, instead of bein analytical political and tryin to come up with the why whats and hows, just say...they lost. thats why the bills arent playin tomorrow.
  9. yeah, hes finished. if he wasnt white no one would of ever heard of joe mesi. i dont know, maybe for a minute he'd be hyped up since he's undefeated but that tends to happen when you fight washed up 34-35 year olds who been knocked out in half of their fights.
  10. been a raider fan longer, but i like them close to the same
  11. ferguson was a good fullback at va tech. theres 2 guys up there to keep, williams and thomas. the rest, well...they suck.
  12. i know u numbnuts arent arguin the difference between a sweatband and headband are you?? a headband is a sweatband you wear on...what? your head. either way that thing looks like its gonna snap at any givin moment.
  13. just what the vikings have to be lookin for, another running back...f*ck tom modrak we need YOU.
  14. keep this in mind when tryin out new spyware removers, alot of them GIVE you spyware. go with what people recommend and dont just use whatever you think is the easiest to downlaod.
  15. 3 episodes ago i was watchin it, the one about the drive by at the playground and right before my eyes a kid i grew up with had a little speaking role, i really couldnt believe my eyes so i had to rewind and sure enough it was my man. they tape it in california and last i heard thats where he moved to. i wonder how much he got paid. i think his line was: "people from around here come to see the game, people from all over come to see him"
  16. they TOLD him to find a trade for himself because he couldnt hold on to the ball after he got off to that good start. why would you want a player whos told to go because he fumbles too much??
  17. i might of laughed twice.
  18. its the date rape version of exstacy
  19. deadwoods great. yeah i like swearengen too, hes a mean bastard especially to his girls but sometimes a iron fist needs to be handed out to keep them hoes in line. i think i like it so much because alot of it is factual.
  20. the wu in amsterdam
  21. why would you want to draft a sure fire starting running back? hes gone by the 10th anyway and you know we dont pick until the 2nd. if you want a rb you gotta look at people like moats(la tech), mclendon(nc state) and shelton(louisville).
  22. i dont like when i see guys who laugh and are all smiles after a loss, but you never know what roethlisberger said to him. it looked damn funny the way their both cheesin so hard. they could of been laughin at anything, we can probably safely bet it wasnt because of the loss.
  23. after buffalo he went to detroit
  24. i agree with you on the secondary point, mainly for corners though because theres a few (or should i say 1 or 2, maybe 3) good white safeties. i dont count lynch, hes good for one thing and one thing only, big hits. archuleta is good (and fast) and i like shweigart from oakland, looks like hes got some potential and from what ive seen of him hes fearless. and yeah, i'll take...f'in brian finnerman over reed and he aint even fast.
  25. none of them got anything on drew bennet. best white wr in league?? probably so. the other ones who used to be good are old and washed up like jerevicious and bill schraider (dont care how its spelled) oh yeah and most of all ed mcaffrey
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