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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. No matter how long he gets suspended, Cleveland will retain his rights and bring him back as soon as it’s possible to do so.
  2. If they don’t come back to win the Super Bowl in the last 12 seconds of the game, they are dead to me.
  3. “Pump the breaks”. “Enjoy the ride”. You friggin guys are like driving with my wife.
  4. See StHustle for tips on jurisprudence.
  5. It seems your anger should be directed toward Ruggs; he’s the one you said should just plead guilty. The lawyer is just doing what Ruggs is paying him to do. Ruggs could decline to have this motion advanced. But it looks like he’s going to fight this all the way, which is his decision and his right.
  6. NDAs aren’t unusual but the circumstances of how and why one was left for Watson to use may be unusual and of interest.
  7. I would think that if the NFL didn’t like the Texans’ supplying an NDA or the hotel membership and how that played into accusations against Watson, they could at least ask the Texans about it all.
  8. I blame Yolo; some people will do anything to beat him to starting a thread. 🤣
  9. Agreed; it’s easier to say the cap needs to be cleaned up than to say we need to cut the malcontents and dead wood.
  10. Got married. Got married again.
  11. The court is run by humans who are imperfect. People are wrongly found guilty and wrongly found innocent. I am not against the system we have, but I understand it is not perfect. Your contention that over half of the women are lying is the very definition of a kangaroo court. Nice job comrade.
  12. So in any civil case, in your mind if the accuser has less money than the accused, it’s a money grab?
  13. If the crime happened in a private setting with no tangible evidence, the grand jury is not going to indict. So the recourse for the victim is a civil trial. Ever hear of the OJ civil case? There are instances when a wrong isn’t proven in court but it’s still a wrong and a civil case gives an opportunity for the victims to seek justice/retribution.
  14. Haven’t you ever had anything wrong done to you and want to make it known so others might be able to avoid a similar wrong? Perhaps (at least) some of these women are sick of being abused and disrespected by men and are seizing an opportunity to draw a line in the sand, and do it with the support of other victims so they aren’t out on an island?
  15. I’ll have you know, Trekkies are proven to have much higher IQs than the average TV viewer. We also have the lowest incidence of sexually transmitted diseases in the free world. Not really sure why.
  16. Will the Certificate of Authenticity tattoo be on the same calf or the other one?
  17. Watch this video so I can show you “this is not what we want to watch”.
  18. Go to the library and take out a book and read it. Free.
  19. If anybody calls me a “solid #2”, I’m punching them in the face.
  20. It’s probably a dude. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
  21. “I mean, the ball Tua throws is oblong and has really fine laces. It’s a great ball if you ask me, but now I’m sounding weird so I’ll stop”
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