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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. For “legit” methods, there’s Direct TV or Sunday Ticket streaming, using a college student’s info. They check the school enrollment and birthdate. Could also use a VPN to fool the CBS and Fox apps to watch the games on those.
  2. I don’t think Knox’s contract will have any bearing on the Bills’ ability to sign Oliver. If the Bills decide they want Ed long term, they will make it happen unless Ed decides to price himself beyond what the Bills feel he’s worth. Beane has considered Oliver’s, and many other upcoming signings, before offering Knox this contract.
  3. Beane needs to stop drafting guys that get good and need to be paid. Need more mediocre players in the pipeline.
  4. Bills are gonna win the very first and the very last NFL games of this season.
  5. It’s uber expensive and uber difficult. Is “uber” still an adjective?
  6. Instead of mesh, couldn’t they just put giant fans around the field and use them to blow opposite the prevailing winds, thereby negating the wind’s effect? How do I patent this genius idea?
  7. Please change the title from “Effect” to “Affect” or else I’ll need mesh to keep from digging my eyeballs out.
  8. Anyone that uses “alas” on a football board deserves a wedgie.
  9. How many are gonna be going to “ya’ll little jobs” on Friday morning? Not moi.
  10. That’s ok. We have the oldest fan base in the league; have you ever seen all the old farts in the stands? And we’re doing just fine.
  11. Bills were just trolling us with all those carries by Duke and Blackshear.
  12. Did you see his press conference? Why take on this bull for a rookie punter?
  13. The head coach will be spending time on all this bull instead of getting his team ready. Players will be asked questions about it. Fans will be asking questions about it. This is an issue no one in the organization needs to spend time on, especially in arguably the most important season in the team’s history. Araiza will need to work through his own process and, if the Bills cut him loose, he’ll be free to seek employment anywhere. Being a football player is not a right. He can get a job like the rest of us, using his valuable SDSU degree.
  14. Players get cut all the time. The only person responsible for being cut is Araiza.
  15. I was wondering the same thing, and if that’s the case, would Sean resign? He personally looks bad right now, and if that’s because he wasn’t given all the info by his management team, I could see a scenario where he would quit because of it.
  16. I wonder if they will wait until he retires before retiring Blackshear’s #35…..
  17. That could be true; has it been determined that Araiza didn’t know anything about his potential involvement until the civil case was announced? That seems unlikely from the admittedly bits and pieces I’ve gathered.
  18. Seriously? If you had sex with a girl that claimed she was gang raped that same night at the same party, would you be whistling past the cemetery? (Only visual I could come up with🤣)
  19. That’s definitely grounds for closing a thread!
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