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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. Crazy the AZ has 2 wins and yet only 13 plays with the lead all season!
  2. We don’t need to hear what kind of freaky sh!t you and Mahomes are into.
  3. Great write up Virgil. When you were talking about Josh being backed up to the goal line in the first half, and then jumped to the TD to Knox, I was surprised you didn’t mention the throw to Gabe on 3rd and 13 at the one yard line with about a minute left in the half. That throw was amazingly gutsy, and to be aggressive in that situation was the most “unBillsy” thing ever. For over a decade the Bills would have punted on third down in that situation. But with Josh, all things are possible.
  4. NFL eliminated the deadline. It’s being talked about in the other 12 trade deadline threads.
  5. When I read the thread title, my first thought was: I’m 63, is this something I need to be worried about? ‘Tipped balls’ sounds painful.
  6. Who needs perspective about Josh? That’s like marrying a supermodel and looking at videos of your old girlfriend
  7. If someone had that bet for the Pittsburgh game, I bet they are still in ICU with a heart attack.
  8. Honestly, I thought billions would buy something hotter than that. But there’s something to be said about having a doctor in the house when you get to be in your 70s.
  9. If Von is going to have guests on his podcast, he needs to learn to STFU and let his guest talk. 🤣
  10. What’s the big deal about asking about this on a message board? It’s not like people are sending emails to the front office asking about it.
  11. You've posted this twice that I’ve seen. What makes you think Fox will get this premier AFC matchup? They don’t give CBS any Dallas games; the crossover games are usually clunkers.
  12. Just paint the ball bright orange. Problem solved.
  13. If the Bills make the Super Bowl, the AFC is the away team this year, meaning the NFC team will get first choice of what to wear. The Bills would never choose to wear white over blue in the Super Bowl, would they??
  14. This explains why the game isn’t on prime time. One big reason - more eyes on the 4:25 Sunday game than the Sunday evening time slot. https://buffalonews.com/entertainment/television/alan-pergament-heres-why-bills-chiefs-isnt-in-prime-time-and-is-being-played-in/article_8e65a16e-4982-11ed-b6bf-e31ecd271458.html
  15. It seems crazy to me that White has been rehabbing for almost a year and hasn’t practiced at all, and we’re talking about getting him into a game the week after next. Seems like he’d need more ramp up time than that. These guys are amazing.
  16. Don't pretend like you’re not an old **** like the rest of us.
  17. The NFL throws little irritating quirks into EVERYTHING just to **** with us.
  18. What about something less offensive like Kansas City Tribal Leaders?
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