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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. How does someone that lazy have sex?
  2. It seems like every screen play ends up in a sack or a pass at the RBs ankles
  3. Wonder if they’ll design their offense around him this week.
  4. Maybe Jerry was pissed because he read here that Tua sucks.
  5. I’m sure his prison mates have some punishment in mind.
  6. How does someone that loves the Beatles not own the White Album?
  7. I don’t know about that “letter”. Whining about announcers not giving “my team” enough attention seems bush league. Romo’s job is to build up the game to hold an average viewer’s attention by pandering to the lowest common denominator. This is especially true on a big holiday broadcast where the point spread was large. If you are looking for analysis, listen to Eric Wood on WGR; he breaks down each play, gives personnel and formation and assesses the success or failure of each play as the game goes on. If you want something specific, you need to know where to go for it.
  8. Gugny was all over the Tommy John thing. Saw it mentioned outside the board too.
  9. My sources have told me Von will be week to week, followed by day to day and then hour to hour.
  10. It was the right read because no one on that team but Diggs makes that catch.
  11. I took a walk during the first half and listened to the WGR feed and really appreciated Eric Wood. He corrected Murph’s constant errors, updated personnel and injuries, and immediately broke down each play, telling why it did/did not work. No hyperbole, just info.
  12. There’s a bunch of them around these parts….
  13. If you can read through this thread and still say it was never about him seeing the field, I’ll still say you’re wrong. Most people on here have been demanding he get on the field.
  14. This place will explode if he doesn’t see the field today.
  15. Patriots stadium is open air so not sure how that applies here. And isn’t Patriot Place basically a mall?
  16. That stadium is remarkably well done. Did not feel like a dome because there was so much light and it had large open concourses. I just can’t see a dome for multi-purposes in OP; too far away from hotels, restaurants and bars that you would need to draw people to big events. And the cost to rebuild the infrastructure downtown to make it feasible there would not justify the cost. You might get a higher level NCAA tournament round there every few years, and maybe a big concert every few years, but there are no regular events big enough to justify the cost of putting a dome downtown, in my opinion. The Sabres would have to play there to make it worth keeping open all winter. There, I think I have settled the matter for all of us and we can all move on now. No more dome talk.
  17. Lions double Diggs and Davis. Tanner Gentry goes off for 200 yards and 4 TDs. Davis refuses to play next week.
  18. I don’t give a damn about a dome. I wanna know what I’m supposed to do with all this land I bought near Letchworth Park.
  19. This was a good listen. Josh said he saw the TD while looking between his legs. He said he put a lot more heat on the pass than was necessary.
  20. How did they break the news to the team? Can’t imagine Wilson was present. Saleh: “Ok, real quick guys, before Zach steps in the room…..he’s been benched. (Load cheer goes up from defensive players in back of room). Now act like everything’s normal - here he comes!”
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