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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. On behalf of beta males everywhere, this makes me so angry I wanna dump my mocha cappuccino with a pinch of cinnamon and dash of cardamom right on your head, except it’s too delicious.
  2. I think the Pats losing the Super Bowl after that undefeated season shows God hates Tom Brady too. 🤣
  3. Well, you said you didn’t want to denigrate people’s beliefs and then went on to say prayer did not save Hamlin. You can’t have it both ways by dismissing other people’s beliefs after saying you don’t want to denigrate their beliefs.
  4. This is also true. Is it possible that prayer helped everyone involved to perform exactly the way they needed to for Damar to survive? It certainly helped those of us who were hoping he would survive and helped us feel like we were providing aid in our own way. I guess my point is if people want to believe it is a miracle and that prayer helped, what difference does it make? I don’t hear anyone saying that others need to believe in prayer over the science and preparation that saved Damar’s life. And couldn’t “science” be man’s God-given intelligence and ingenuity in action?
  5. No it’s not! It’s spiritual arrogance. I’m right dammit.
  6. Agreed, but ranch and wings is just wrong. Damn wrong. I’ll not stand for it.
  7. This is all true. I see the situation as being less about whether or not God actually intervened, and more about how people find a belief or faith that helps them cope with life, especially in the light of traumatic events. If believing a certain way helps you negotiate life’s difficulties, more power to you. The problem comes when people exhibit what I would call spiritual arrogance. The world would be a happier place if we just allowed everyone to have their own belief or opinion without having to impress theirs upon others.
  8. I think that was true until online betting came along. God probably can’t help himself now like the rest of us. 🤣 Apparently there were more Giants fans praying for a miss!
  9. It has been great to hear so many people associated with the Bills talk about prayer and how this event has caused them to reevaluate many things. Hearing Josh talk openly about his spiritual awakening in such a raw and honest way is wonderful.
  10. I’m just running the joke to its logical conclusion. My death.
  11. “You do something stupid long enough, you become known for it”. Ken Johnson 🤣🤣👍👍
  12. Wait, there are fat-reducing stomach patches?? Let me know if they work. It’s for my wife.
  13. Wyatt Teller didn’t make All Pro. I KNEW that was a good trade for us. Yeehawww!
  14. Is this article for real? “He was calling people about, ‘Hey, can you help us with ideas and do stuff like that?’” What??? Sounds like he was asking for help planning the Christmas party.
  15. I wish I could speak from experience, but my impression is 13 seconds was a huge motivating factor during the off-season for the players, coaches and management. Once the season starts, it’s a whole new ballgame and the players’ inherent competitiveness is what drives them to win. Especially this year, there have been so many immediate challenges, that last year is not a factor. That being said, I feel like if they won the Super Bowl last year, they would not be in the same position this year because the off-season may have evolved much differently for management and individual players.
  16. Pretty sure Ed from Rochester just posted there is a second CBS game.
  17. I’ll take a guess…I watched his press conference and I took it as his way of being vague about multiple, very concerning symptoms. McDaniel spoke about concern for Tua “as a human being” which suggests to me he’s concerned about Tua’s welfare and not even thinking in terms of his ability to play football.
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