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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. Beane gonna pull the trigger on a big signing just before the press conference. He’ll do a hero’s entrance and victory lap around the podium.
  2. Monkey wrench coming in the form of a lawsuit by the domers, saying the bowl needs a lid.
  3. First day on the internet? Welcome aboard! Grab an ashwagandha water and have a seat, someone will be right with you.
  4. That’s why those guys get fired and we never do. Except maybe Hossage and Scooby.
  5. Hey, at least they are giving it a shot. If the guy they select works out, it’s a home run. The 2018 draft was supposed to be a good one for QBs and most of them are stiffs. So while you say it’s a mediocre class, all they need is one guy to pan out - the one they pick.
  6. Panthers made a good deal. They obviously found someone they like and are swinging hard to find a QB at the top of the draft. It’s worth a shot to take your pick of the draft when the time is right. Bears made out pretty well considering there wasn’t anyone that would be worth a #1 pick that was not a QB given the compensation received.
  7. Y’all are missing the fact that the first three picks are gonna be S, CB and MLB.
  8. How can one guy be arguably the best in the world at something and the brother is basically…..nothing?
  9. I did it in 2006 with a buddy in his Corvette convertible. I flew into St Louis where he picked me up. We went out to the Grand Canyon and then came back to NY. I did a lot of research into all the old places to see and whatever old tourist traps still exist. We weren’t obsessed about taking the old abandoned parts of the road, but tried to take it as often as possible whenever the option was there. There was a lot to see back then; not sure how much of it all exists 17 years later. The Blue Whale in Catoosa?, Oklahoma was a treat. We met the son of the guy that built it so he told us all about what it was like in its heyday. Williams, AZ was another cool spot. Elsewhere, there was a soda museum-like store, round barns, train car motels, etc. A HUGE cross and life-size stations of the cross in Groome, TX. The Blue Swallow Motel in Tucumcari, NM was a trip; the rooms were all decorated with 50s phones, etc. Very cool peek into our recent cultural history and you’ll see a lot of this beautiful country. We came home north through Colorado and drove Independence Pass. Beautiful! RIP Kevin!❤️
  10. Sorry, but when I leave TBD, I’m taking down all photos of me on here. Yall can kiss my ass.
  11. I had Sirius with a new car purchase, but didn’t like it much. I created a Spotify playlist with 525 hours of my favorite music and put it on shuffle. If I want to hear something new, I stream WFUV. It’s an old school radio station with enjoyable DJs.
  12. I started reading the OP and suddenly found myself at the end of this thread with no recollection of how I got here. Happens daily.
  13. This is the opinion of the offensive line as well.
  14. “Gabe Davis is our No. 2 WR; in fact it’s really a 1a and 1b situation, so we feel really good about that. That being said, if something were to (cough) happen to Gabe (cough), we would certainly be open to pursuing other options that would give us the explosive plays we need (cough).”
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