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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. Random thoughts are the genesis of all great threads.
  2. After every play, McDermott is screaming to a random player: “YOU WERE THE MIKE!!!”
  3. I heard they are moving Benford from CB to S to MLB. McDermott playing his own 4D chess.
  4. I’m pretty sure “construction” meant “construction of renderings”.
  5. Not to mention the Bills couldn’t punch over a short yardage TD or first down to save their lives the last few years.
  6. The community center will be named for Jon Diaz who was shot and killed after an altercation in Syracuse on Thanksgiving Eve a few years ago. Very sad ending for a young man, who by all accounts, was a really good guy.
  7. Was a Mongolian BBQ involved? If not, this isn’t newsworthy.
  8. Beane asleep at the wheel! Grrrrrr
  9. Hell, we have like 14 6th rounders. Send ‘em all of those!
  10. Anybody got a fix for the frigging Peter Pan links?
  11. This would be a great schedule, but has the fatal flaw of making too much sense. 🤣
  12. I didn’t vote for Biden, but some people can’t put their ego and political BS aside to appreciate how widespread the concern and love for Damar and his family was.
  13. Murray has wanted to play for the Bills ever since Josh jumped over Anthony Barr in Josh’s rookie year. 🤣 Murray wanted to sign with Buffalo last year but they signed Duke instead.
  14. Hearing Tay is going to sign with the Bills tomorrow!
  15. What’s his RAS? Need to know the RAS before I pan the pick with absolutely no knowledge about him.
  16. For me, it’s not unlike watching a Bills game with 60,000 other people. It’s a shared experience that is different than watching the game alone. Both are fun and enjoyable. I’ve found the same thing with meditation. Meditating alone is wonderful. Meditating with a group of people has a palpable power that is wonderful.
  17. WotAGuy

    2023 Concerts

    Just saw Father John Misty in Ithaca. His concerts are really great. His albums I find boring. He’s definitely on fire when on stage. Great band too. They are one of the few bands that can really fill CMAC with sound. It’s such a big barn, but he commands that huge stage and fills the venue with sound.
  18. What about Buddy Nix and his down home philosophy about drafting players: "If I had to guess and put a percentage on it, I'd say for us we're 70 percent on how he played. The other junk that goes into it, all that other stuff might make a difference in whether or not he's successful, but that makes up a very small percentage for us.”
  19. Lou sounded like me watching the Bills: “GOD ALMIGHTY!! WHY DO WE DO THAT!??!
  20. Such a sad situation. God bless you Kim.
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