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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. Hey, as long as we’re all slappin’ ***** here, I just wanna mention I have $2.5 Mill in my retirement account. Once it reaches $3 Mill, I’m quitting/selling and moving to Chicktowaga. I also give monthly to the Rescue Mission, Cancer Society and Camp Good Days and High Times. So there. Just went from WotAGuy to WHAT A GUY!!
  2. Fiiiine, but what’s your tested IQ score and how many engineers do you employ? I thought so….
  3. If this happens, I’m blaming you. In heaven. Or wherever.
  4. Are people being paid to start threads or something?
  5. If passed, will be henceforth known as the “Josh Allen Rule”.
  6. What’s the TBD record for number of threads about a random NFL player getting released and signed but not really?
  7. But it includes all the wings you can eat and a keg of Genny Screamers
  8. I was there. Our van got broken into in the mud lot.
  9. No and Hell No! Once we relax about spelling, punctuation and grammar, we’ll be reduced to nothing more than animals. Next thing you know there will be legalized gambling and weed. I’m not living in THAT world, mister.
  10. Mods please move this to Off The Wall. Damn noobs.
  11. It’s worth $150 to me to say “Yeah, I was on the list for a deluxe suite, but they sold out on me”. Call me Mr. Big Stuff.
  12. I used to tell myself that when getting picked last for dodge ball.
  13. Wouldn't fewer seats per square foot be an amenity? I don’t see how an overall larger facility is an amenity when you are getting wider concourses, better warming locations, standing room areas to eat, drink and socialize, more space around your seat, and many other new amenities that were never present at the Ralph.
  14. I’m curious as to what amenities you think the new stadiums don’t have that fans want…..
  15. Ooooohhhh…..THAT Leonard Floyd!!!
  16. I have a feeling Gabe would prefer a warm weather city to play in, along with a hefty contract. I don’t see him staying around.
  17. I’ve painted a deck, and I’m not in my right mind, so you may be onto something there…..
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