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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. I have the same meds issue, except without the surgery part.
  2. Somebody with skill needs to Photoshop one of those fancy swashbuckler outfits on Josh in this video. With a feathered hat.
  3. Agreed. That’s why I slam the door in those old ladies faces, because I’m sick of them taking advantage of their age and frailty to manipulate me. Beeotches.
  4. Yeah, that was Murray and apparently all his friends sent him clips of it to rub it in.
  5. The best thing that’s happened to this team is losing in the all blues on opening night. Brought back the current combo!
  6. It’s better that Diggs is standing still on running plays than Cody Ford standing still on every play.
  7. Really, how can you say this when it’s obvious the Dolphins were looking past the Bills to the Giants game. It was a trap game and the fins fell into the trap.
  8. Eric Wood said on WGR yesterday he thought Eichenberg played pretty well for a back up. Maybe Wood was reluctant to be critical of the guy, but take it for what it’s worth. I trust Wood’s opinion more than the above.
  9. Thanks for putting this up here. Watching his response to the situation was terrible and to have this happen to him so soon after his ACL is enough to shake anyone’s faith. I’m sure he’ll respond positively like the person he always is, but prayers are up for him as well as $ for his foundation.
  10. Exactly, the Taylor Swift ball washing is out of control.
  11. Offer them a first and Boogie Basham. They’ll be so happy with the first, they won’t realize Boogie never shows up.
  12. Gunner: what tells you this? I would have no idea how to assess this, so I’m interested in how you came to see this. Thanks!
  13. That’s not even AJ Klein in the video. Fail.
  14. I fail to see the problem with this. If you aren’t willing to go the extra mile, why should Josh? It’s all on your shoulders.
  15. Geezus. Do you have passion for your job? Do you love it? Would you accept an offer of 5 times your current pay to do your job, or would you turn it down because you “didn’t earn it”?
  16. Wow. All your assumptions say way more about you than Edmunds, that’s for sure.
  17. That’s because it was such a huge accomplishment for the Sabres back then.
  18. Says a lot about the quality of competition as well. How these teams do head to head will be the true test.
  19. Is it really necessary to bring facts into this discussion? Geez.
  20. At the same time, I am glad they don’t throw 7-yard passes and 3rd and 10 and expect the receiver to run for the first down. Those are super frustrating when they don’t work. Like the WR screen to Diggs on 3rd and 12 yesterday. The Bills are terrible at those.
  21. Someone named Dan Darragh has no business criticizing any QB, I’m sorry. I watched that dude stink up the joint. Besides it was so cool watching Staubach in the gun!
  22. I’ve only heard his TD calls on GR and am not sure I could deal with him for a whole game. Van Miller, Jeanneret and even Ted Darling spoiled me.
  23. I think some of it is the receivers - Diggs is great, but he really isn’t a good open field runner. He’s mostly looking to protect the ball and himself it seems, which is ok by me. But I have noticed the same thing about YAC with this team.
  24. “Josh is thinking too much and not playing free and instinctively. I put that on the coaching” - Justin Fields
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