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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. The Bills did lousy during the easy part of this year’s schedule. Why does an easy schedule next year mean anything?
  2. Fournette needs to call a players only meeting first.
  3. Lack of focus during meetings. Too much playing on phones and social media. Basically every workplace everywhere.
  4. I believe the NFL adopted all of the AFL team records and statistics, but I don’t know how they could recognize the AFL champions because it conflicts with the NFL concurrent champions. Anything prior to about the mid-1980s is ancient history for most of the current fan base.
  5. The offense is doing an intervention to get Josh to dump that chick and get his head back on straight.
  6. Josh matches up really well with Miami and for whatever reason, excels against them. The Bills and Chiefs seem to be evenly matched. I’m worried the Bengals are just a bad matchup for Allen/the Bills and losing this upcoming game is going to seriously affect the Bills’ playoff odds, per the NYT playoff calculator.
  7. I wonder if the league could put more emphasis on only calling penalties that directly impact the play. That Colts-Browns game where the strip sack got called off was for a penalty that had no bearing on the play. Those types of penalties are impacting the game when the infractions had no impact on the play.
  8. Bill Walton must be rolling over in his grave. He’s dead, right?
  9. I came for the retatta recipes but stay for the tax returns.
  10. The problem is speed. The answer is speed limits. Tyreek should get a penalty for going over 15 MPH.
  11. Is this your PhD thesis and in what program will you get your degree? Well done! Appreciate all the time and effort that took to share something very useful!
  12. I take responsibility for this; I had Pickett at 200+ yards on my parlay.
  13. Hopefully Allen doesn’t break up with his girl Saturday night.
  14. Weren’t you the guy that asked “Who TF is this?” 🤣
  15. So what I’m gathering is Lenny will provide the pass pro that Cook lacks. The down side is Lenny sucks at pass pro.
  16. What motivated GB to move on from this guy?
  17. I can imagine Rasul’s reaction today: ”Rasul, you’re being traded. Best of luck to you!” ”Thank God! I’m finally leaving this motherflucking icy wasteland! Where am I going?” ”Ummm………..Buffalo” ”MOTHERFLUCKER!!”
  18. Cannot believe the people on here who don’t know anything about football, much less the fact that Rasul has a wife named Wilma and two sons, Douglas and Little Douggie. Oh, and never mind that the password he uses is 123password. Geezus.
  19. Watch - everyone is picking up good players for 2nd and 3rd day picks and the Bills will need to give up a first to do anything. Book it.
  20. Callers are insufferable. Sal is a tough listen when he’s just alone talking to himself pleading for someone to call in. I really like his segments on the morning and afternoon shows though where he has discussions with the hosts. I like Jeremy White; he actually puts some thought and preparation into his show and has coherent ideas and opinions. Joe and the other younger guys just ramble like they are trying to talk themselves out of a bar fight. Mike Schoop is bearable in small doses because he has a strong personality - be it good or bad. Bulldog just stammers and sputters and hangs on Schoop like a lap dog.
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