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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. When asked how he feels about the OC change, he basically turned it back on the reporter and asked “what does it matter?” And that’s exactly the point, it doesn’t matter. It’s a done deal. Shut up and play, which is what Diggs meant by emphasizing he’s a professional. It seems clear to me Diggs isn’t happy about a lot of things internally, but doesn’t want to fan the flames by speaking out about it. It’s what he doesn’t say that is speaking most loudly here.
  2. Diggs interview is great. Love how he handles the press.
  3. Denver has a bad run defense. Unfortunately the run game disappears against better d lines. Maybe Brady will have a better strategy for running the ball and a more creative mix of runs. It could really turn things around.
  4. Ironically, I thought that the meeting was because guys weren’t focused and paying attention during meetings, on their phones, etc. Apparently they decided as a group to show Murray what distracted really looks like.
  5. I would have problems focusing at work if I had a Hollywood starlet for a GF and a few hundred mill coming in. Hell, I’d probably be dead.
  6. Their easier path is to win the division. Wild card may actually be tougher to get.
  7. 19% https://www.syracuse.com/buffalo-bills/2023/11/goodbye-playoffs-buffalo-bills-postseason-odds-look-bleak-following-loss-to-broncos.html?outputType=amp
  8. He wanted a run game because the offense had become Josh playing Superman every drive. Everyone could see the offense needed something other than Josh playing hero ball. The run game was the obvious solution. I don’t think he wanted the Bills to become a running offense, he just wanted a competent run game to complement Josh. Unfortunately, Josh hasn’t been playing Superman consistently this season, which leaves very little for this offense.
  9. Jets had one this week. Hope they keep the streak alive!
  10. We just want division leaders to take over and crush all their contenders. Bills are long shots for Wild Card, but it can’t hurt.
  11. Did anyone ask Brady what his philosophy is about shotgun at the one yard line?
  12. I just spray painted “I Love You Josh” on his lawn. Thank me later.
  13. Jets will be waiting for that opening play pass to Kincaid. Seems like Josh goes to him within the first two plays every game.
  14. If we’re talking fantasy, mine is Coleen Wolfe. Rrrrroooaawww
  15. Pegula to Mark Davis: “Hey, can you help take some of the pressure off us? We’re getting killed here.” Mark Davis: “I’m on it!”
  16. The IT guys are always last to get the memo.
  17. Dorsey gonna lead the charge this week!
  18. Saving the special teams firing for the next defensive debacle.
  19. I like Sal on the morning show but can’t deal with him talking to himself on his own show. And now with Joe on there with him, it’s even worse. Joe will say words for 90 seconds hoping there’s 10 seconds of coherent thought worth commenting on.
  20. And there is definitely the perception that the timing of the firing covered over another defensive let down at the end and an embarrassing special teams penalty. I think that is more of what people were critical of, as opposed to scapegoating. Dorsey had too much pressure on him for his firing to be a “scapegoating” situation. But it does take some pressure off McDermott and Smiley.
  21. Will be very telling to see which head coach has their team ready to win this week. Both teams are head cases right now.
  22. Both can be true though. A case can be made that Dorsey wasn’t working out and needed to go. A case can also be made that McDermott needed to do SOMETHING to turn the tide, or else the failure to do so could and should put his job in jeopardy. Anytime someone gets fired it’s because their boss is trying to preserve their own standing/job.
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