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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. I’ve only read the excerpts in this thread but I have my flaming pitchfork out now. Burn that mother to the ground.
  2. I do think there are semantics at work here. There are “charges” a person is accused of and can be arrested for. But there is also a formal filing of charges where the prosecutor has various timeframes in which to file the charges. How this applies in Texas is explained clearly in the first two pages in this link. I think the confusion is Von has been accused of “charges” and been arrested on that basis. However, I have not seen confirmation that the prosecutor has formally filed charges and that Von has been arraigned to make his plea in response to the charges “filed”. The lack of charges being filed seems to be what the NFL and Bills are waiting for in terms of any disciplinary action. https://www.texasbar.com/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Our_Legal_System1&Template=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=23456
  3. I stopped looking for the Bills to bring my joy quite a while ago. Hail Murray probably was the last straw. This year has been salvaged by watching Red Zone for the first time ever. So many games are compelling and go down to the wire, and RZ is great for enjoying all of them. Online betting has been fun this year too. Bet on the Bills’ opponents and it’s like making money off their losses. Lessens the sting. And putting $5 on some parlays keeps interest in all the games instead of how the outcomes affect the Bills’ crumbling playoff chances.
  4. Maybe it’s a difference in “charges” being in his arrest warrant vs formal filing of “charges”? I know it’s just a reporter, but the News article linked above says: “I know the investigation is ongoing, no charges have been filed and the reported victim has already downplayed the incident in an interview with a Dallas television station. But this was a chance for the Bills to show they will not tolerate a player putting himself in this type of situation. If anything, Miller is already guilty of poor judgment.” Perhaps you have a legal background and have a better understanding than I do from just reading about Von’s situation. I’m not trying to be argumentative. Sorry if it came across that way.
  5. You are conflating accused with charged. Von has not been charged. You can be arrested without being charged. Google it. It’s been discussed in other threads at length.
  6. Von has not been charged yet. He’s only been arrested and released on bail.
  7. Really wish they would start Aaron. Would love to see him dragging one leg behind him as he escapes the pocket.
  8. Apparently, this is a new rule in effect because it hasn’t been for the past 6 games.
  9. Maybe Schoop and the Bulldog will have a Reprehensible Acts draft!
  10. Mind your own damn business. Consenting adults ya know…..
  11. I don’t know where you are getting all this stuff you’re putting in my mouth; all I’m saying is Von eating cap when he’s unable to play because of a personal issue is no different than a high paid player using up cap, an injured player using up cap, etc. I am not commenting on whether there should be cap relief for Von’s situation, though it would be nice and I would be for that. I just am not certain the owners will go for it because it means they will have lost their pre-paid guaranteed money and have to pay out more to use up the cap relief they may get. I think some owners will do anything to win. I think all owners will do anything to make/save money.
  12. WotAGuy

    2024 Concerts

    Joe Jackson has another eclectic album out and tour scheduled for June. Have tickets for Tarrytown Music Hall 6/1. Have seen him many, many times over the years and his musical wanderings are interesting to say the least. He has a 9-piece band with horns for this one and some clever, funny lyrics in these new songs including one about an affair between a bishop and an actress: ”Said the bishop to the actress "It's you that I adore But we mustn't meet out on the street I'll come in your back door." Said the actress to the bishop "Proceed with caution there A man in your position must take care."
  13. Tony Hunter. Had high hopes for him given he was taken before Kelly. He crashed and burned.
  14. I saw McDermott out Christmas shopping this weekend. He was wearing a plaid sweater with pin striped pants. What a tool.
  15. But isn’t that true for any contract? LOL. What Josh Allen earns takes money out of some other’s guy’s pocket?
  16. How would it reduce wages of other people? These are the risks of guaranteed contracts and I imagine the owners will fight against your position because it just means they will be paying more in the long run.
  17. Look for MVS to go All Pro this week. The Bills are making nobodies look good this year.
  18. Beane: Von, WTF happened? Von: Bail just lets you go so you don’t have to be incarcerated while they are deciding whether to charge you.
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