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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. McDermott had them ready to play, had a great defensive plan and won a huge game that gives everyone renewed confidence. A lot of fans sounded like they had written this one off with all the talk about “the Bills can afford to lose this one”, but the players sure didn’t accept that premise.
  2. The Leonard Smith comparison is spot on. Rapp and Dotson bring an edge to the defense that is much needed with so many top guys out. They are also making plays and are more consistent than Phillips, who brings an edge but also a dull processor. 🥴
  3. I blame the drops on McDermott’s pregame speech about how everyone at Jonestown dropped together in a well orchestrated show of complimentary suicide.
  4. Steven A getting ready for tomorrow 'Didn't I tell you?' Stephen A. roasts Cowboys for loss to Bills Stephen A. Smith pokes fun at the Cowboys after their crushing loss to the Bills on Sunday. https://www.espn.com/video/clip/_/id/39136786
  5. We’ll look for you under the Rs AND the Cs!
  6. If I could pick one thing to B word about publicly……it wouldn’t be this. And I LOVE that the auto edit replaces my word with “B word”. Awesome!
  7. I’m sure glad I haven’t posted all my bad decisions for public ridicule.
  8. Serious question as I don’t live in the area - do a lot of out of town fans stay downtown? What’s the draw there? Walking access to good bars/restaurants?
  9. WTH kind of gift was that, and WTF is that case all about??
  10. You are missing the point of the script. The Bills lose a heartbreaker and against all odds, go on a run to the Super Bowl. Where they lose. NFL loves an underdog and likes to keep them there.
  11. Wins and championships are what matters.
  12. That chuck by Mahomes was ridiculous and he should have been called down or intentional grounding.
  13. I’m glad to see you’ve admitted to this. Recognizing your problems is the first step to recovery. Fortunately, the rest of us can carry on. 🫡
  14. How about that 1984 game combo: red helmets, white jersey, blue pants. Whoa!
  15. It’s about time his Hall of Fame career got started.
  16. I’m gonna bet my retirement that someone is already developing the workaround. Also, no seatbelt and running into a bridge while drunk makes me wonder about suicide. I’ve heard many people talk about doing exactly that when depressed, mentally ill, etc.
  17. Question about the various “playoff machines”. Everyone talks about them in terms of “odds” of making playoffs. I haven’t researched the machines, but assume they are just taking all the possible outcomes of the remaining games and calculating how many of those end up with the Bills being in the playoffs, is that correct? So, in that sense it’s not really “odds” (like betting odds) because I imagine some of those outcomes are very unlikely, for example Baltimore losing out, etc. Do any of the machines actually attempt to incorporate some type of actual odds that acknowledge some scenarios are more likely than others? For example, giving more weight to teams with better records beating teams with worse records.
  18. He’ll have learned the playbook and be ready by minicamp.
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