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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. Ha....even I (well maybe mostly I) am kept from those like they are national security secrets. Their worst dream is that I'd get access to their Facebook pages! I'll keep you posted though
  2. Now that my three daughters are in their early 20s.....no. I thought it was bad when they were in puberty (THAT was nuts)...but seeing how guys react around my girls now is worse!
  3. You really think some of those guys date? I hadn't thought about that possibility.....
  4. A Classic! Thanks for playing. This had me spitting my coffee this morning! Well done.
  5. You got a point there, and I've tried to keep things in better perspective over the last 15 years (had no choice!). Before that I literally lived and died with the Bills fortunes. But the reason for that, and maybe for other members of this board, is because my life has had many ties to the Bills that bound me to family and friends. My father passed when I was 16, so many fond memories of him are tied to going to Bills games. Back then there were no televised home games, so he loaded the family into the Impala and drove us around the countryside while we listened to the game on the radio. I'll never forget hearing the Bills pick off Joe Willie 5 times for their only win of the 1968 season. I have had season tickets with a good friend and also my nephew, and that Bills connection created a special, close bond that might never have otherwise existed. My aunt and uncle took me to the 1974 opener against the Raiders when we made a miracle comeback. I was sitting in the upper deck with my brother when the Bills won 51-3 to go to their first Super Bowl. I went with my sister (and several others) to the last Super Bowl in Atlanta, and the travel agency couldn't come through with tickets to the game. My buddy and I were able to scalp tickets, and I'll always remember saying goodbye to my sister as I went into the stadium without her.....both of us in tears. Kind of maudlin memories, but those are the poignant moments that have made this more than "just a game", or "just a team" for me. For me anyway, it explains why I have a passion for the Bills that doesn't get spoiled, even when they are down. One of my favorite seasons is 1968. They were 1-12-1. But it was the first year I followed them on my own, not just because my father liked them. And so it goes....(apologies for the long post).
  6. This is an interesting article in that a few topics relate to things discussed at length on this board - namely how different teams approach training camp, and how the players feel about stadiums, crowds and other players. 3 guys from the Cuse
  7. Amazing, huh? And then he bitches ME out for having low expectations. Wow. I did spare him the following: "Where's my spunk? Why, it's right there.......dripping off your chin"
  8. Took you less than 15 minutes to make my last point for me!
  9. Well, at least mpl spared you the "think before you speak!" reprimand. I like your positive attitude BillsFanInLV. I've been following the Bills since 1967. I went to a Super Bowl with them and have had season tickets for many years, even though I'm living in Syracuse. I have had my heart torn out more times than I can remember, but every year I am optimistic and look forward to opening day. I don't have any expectations for this team - I just hope they will be competitive and give us a memorable win or two. Anything more than that and I'll be an even happier camper. I see the weaknesses in the team but choose to not belabor them or belittle others who have their own opinion. But it is fun to see posters make jackasses out of themselves now and then....it passes the offseason for me in a humorous way!
  10. Organic spring greens, with fresh pepper, cucumber, celery and carrots drizzled with homemade creamy balsamic dressing. Couple slices of Wegman's Rosemary with Olive Oil and Sea Salt bread.
  11. My condolences....40 years together is amazing. May God bless you both.
  12. Because nowadays there are too many people that have the following attitude (no disrespect intended against this poster, but just pointing out this attitude is more prevalent than in 1967): " So yesterday I met some friends at my local bar, and there is a father there with his young daughter sitting on a barstool at the bar. WTF? A child never belongs at a bar! A bar should be a place where you can drop F-bombs, tell sordid stories, hook up with a cutie, discuss whatever topic you want no matter how inappropriate, etc- and not have to worry about a child sitting next to you. Take your kids to chucky cheese, not a bar! "
  13. Went to the last Super Bowl in Atlanta after the 1994 season. Took a charter through Small World Travel. They couldn't get game tickets at last minute and there was a huge uproar. We decided to go down anyway and try to scalp. The morning of the game, we met Tom Jackson in the ESPN hotel where they were broadcasting. Then we ended up sneaking past the guards into the lower levels of the hotel where some Chrysler dealers were getting their tickets. We scalped a pair for $1,000 each...paid in $20s. On the flight home we all decided to file a class action lawsuit against Small World. When we got off the plane, all the local stations were there and wanted to talk about the ticket fiasco. We weren't in the mood to talk, but when Gary Tuchman from CNN approached us, we talked. My buddy and I were part of a really funny piece they did comparing the first and second halves of the game. Still have the broadcast video...its hilarious. Features a couple fat guys in their underwear running thru the snow into a hot tub, and a bunch of drunks in a bar the next morning crying in their beer....literally. Sad situation, but definitely coolest thing I've done regarding the Bills! And we got a few hundred back before Small World went under....bastards.
  14. Ha! Back in the day (1967-ish), my old man used to take me to Stockman's Tavern on Transit Road and he'd have the bartender put the TV on Channel 12 out of Erie, PA - trying to watch the Bills homes games through staticy snow. I drank orange pop and he did shots and beers. Never got out of control or had bad things happen. Still a nice memory! It was a different time. Not sure I'd do it today with my kid....glad I'm too old to worry about it! And food? Oh God...my mother used to make salmon patties pan fried in butter...and liver and onions....and potato pancakes, all for dinner. Still like liver and onions, and love potato pancakes, but salmon patties....not so much! She wasn't the greatest cook, but she was an awesome Mom. I miss them both!
  15. Their new CD Ooh La La is available for listening on their website CTD website It's Beautiful was nice the instant I heard it; the rest.....well, it will be another entry for this thread topic!
  16. Yeah, "Crazy Joe Moon" definitely took some time for me to "get". It's the only GLB CD I have.
  17. I think the liner notes to Beat Crazy say something like: "In the end, we knew the album was doomed to fail. The question remains, why did we try?" ....shopping for Circus Money as we speak....
  18. NICE! Thanks for the link....got the laptop playing thru the surround system....awesome.
  19. Agreed - that one took some time to appreciate, but I really enjoy it now. Was looking at "Circus Money" just yesterday and trying to decide whether to buy it; just might check it out with your endorsement above! Two more (old ones): - "Beat Crazy" by Joe Jackson: took a long time to get over my disappointment the first time I listened, but after a couple years I gave it a few spins and now really enjoy it. - "A Worm's Life" by Crash test Dummies: bunch of very quirky songs about mundane stuff (garbage in a landfill, a pulled tooth, morning wood and of course, a worm's life). But it has grown on me and is pretty entertaining.
  20. Some pretty cool stories/stuff mentioned here. I never had much interest in getting autographs, but I did keep a scrapbook I made when I was 9-10 years old for the 1968-1969 seasons. Newspaper clippings, program photos, stats....all crudely pasted and labeled into an aging old book. It's pretty funny looking back on my childhood and the earliest days of my Bills obsession. The 12-step program is working and I'm proud to say I'm powerless over the Bills and now I can just enjoy them One Day at a Time.
  21. Classic....spewed my coffee on my laptop over that one. Just beautiful!
  22. [/quote you guys just crack me up with your ignorance. schobel is done he does not want to play any more only with his kids. if you were smart enough to listen to him yesterday you would have heard him say he would only go to Houston but thats probably not likely either and he wants to retire as a bill. i know your not smart enough to understand this but he is a man of character and family. he has plenty of money and he wants to now raise his family in his little home town in Texas. is your head so thick that you cannot understand that? lastly MR genius what do you think the Texans would be willing to give up for him knowing he is going to retire and if he does play (which he obviously does not have his heart into anymore) he may play for the texans for a year or two maybe. I'll tell you what they will give us jack sh-t! guys like you are a freaking joke and obviously stupid also! Wow...it must be quite a burden having to set the world straight on every opinion you deem a freaking joke and stupid. Where do you ever find the time to work for a living or (shudder) raise a family? But thanks for setting us all straight on what Aaron Schobel is planning to do....it was keeping me up at night worrying about it!
  23. Only the first two inches of her had been used by the time I got her
  24. I remember him wearing 16 too, but according to the 2005 Bills media guide, he wore 21 as well.
  25. Don't you remember? She wanted a guy with a bigger di%#....
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