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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. Seriously? 80 CDs? What's the scoop with that?
  2. Well, no, I wouldn't support shooting her. I was being facetious. But work with me a little, huh?
  3. Unbelievable. Parents like this make me vote for retroactive birth control.....or a firing squad. Unreal
  4. Thanks Jack. You've created a monster.
  5. I've been there once, but I see James McMurtry is playing at the Continental club tonight at midnight. Highly recommended - but think about taking ear plugs. My ears were ringing for 8 hours after I saw him and Jon Dee Graham there.
  6. Fez: Thanks for the links. Pete: I know it's a silly exercise, but its a good way to be exposed to some music I might not otherwise find on my own.
  7. I have over 400 CDs and am not sure I can answer my own question! Right now, today, it would be: 1. Sonoran Hope and Madness - Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers 2. Elton John - Tumbleweed Connection 3. Ellen Reid - Cinderellen 4. Crash Test Dummies - Ghosts That Haunt Me 5. James McMurtry - Live in Aught-/Three Hoping to get turned on to some good new/old music!
  8. Sweet! I got that sh$t down to a science!
  9. That really sounds like the perfect trip. A neighbor did Alaska by boat and loved it. That coupled with the train would really get you to see it all in 2 weeks. Wouldn't mind seeing some info once you get it.
  10. Man, you get around! You on the lam or something?
  11. Carry on then! Enjoy!
  12. Sounds good, but....how's your cholesterol?
  13. Congrats! Nine months for me yesterday! My first Bills season sober.....this ain't gonna be pretty.....
  14. I could do Mexico from a train...that looks like a really nice excursion. Have thought of doing the train trip in Alaska with the nice clear dome roof and great views.....
  15. Quick! Somebody call DarthIce! Yet ANOTHER team that's not doing proper squats!
  16. Ha...my only experience with Mexico was about two hours in Tijuana while I was in San Diego for a conference. We ended up walking back to the US through the border crossing. Never again! I'll stick with Canada and the US for my North American vacations I'll check out the link though.....
  17. In 2006 I hiked the Paria all the way into the confluence with Buckskin Gulch. 20 miles roundtrip as a day hike. Was beautiful...went up the Buckskin a couple miles too. Did Canyonlands the year before that. Island in the Sky is pretty impressive! I need to get into the Adirondacks more...so close and hardly ever go out there; I'm in Syracuse. A quiet lake3 to float around on sounds pretty damn good about now.
  18. Southern Utah is my favorite place I have ever visited. Wish I knew about Goblin last time I was out there. Nothing better than just touring around and stumbling onto something amazing like Goblin Valley. hope you took pics! The coolest place I visited in southern Utah was the Wave. Took me two days to win the lottery and get one of the 20 passes they give out each morning. Simply amazing. The Wave Sounds like that Econoline has some good trips on it!
  19. Two years ago we did a Route 66 trip and came home through Colorado. Independence Pass heading east toward Denver was amazing...12,000 feet. This past year, we did a northern route through the Dakotas (not Fanning) and went to Yellowstone. Beartooth Pass drops into the park from the northeast and is stunning. That's around 11,000 feet. This country has some amazing landscapes. Note to trolls: please do not criticize my choice of vacation spots and point out their weaknesses.
  20. Jeff Nixon was drafted in 4th round in 1979 by the Bills. Robb Riddick was a pretty good utility back for the Bills...good on goal line situations and not bad as a receiver. Not a bust at all in my opinion. Bill Enyart was a 2nd round bust (1969)!
  21. Mike: I give you credit for hanging in there and trying to make your case. For me, the thing I find annoying is the way you, and several others, make the same points repeatedly across many different threads, even though those points (about the Bills weaknesses) are not even part of the thread topic. I think, because it is a "fan board" after all, that you have to expect the "optimists" to make their points repeatedly because that's generally what we're here for - to celebrate our Bills and support them, not tear them down - especially this time of year when hope springs eternal! And being a fan is all about passion, not necessarily straight facts, common sense, etc. Fan is short for fanatic, after all! Even more annoying and offensive is the habit of you and many other posters of reprimanding people for their opinions and resorting to personal attacks. "Think before you speak", "I find your viewpoint lame", "idiot", "moron", etc (those aren't all associated with you...for example, try milehilou for the derogatory remarks). That stuff goes both ways - people on both sides of the optimist/pessimist roles resort to those derogatory remarks. But just because someone expresses an opinion doesn't mean it has to be challenged and insulted, and that happens all too often here. And I think we have all noticed your penchant for criticizing other people's opinions. I think most reasonable people will respect a contradictory (pessimistic) opinion if it is made with intelligence and class, and is not continued to be hammered home after being made in a couple different threads.
  22. Shaw was tied for 3rd in yards per attempt and was tied for 6th in yards per completion (tied with the Mad Bomber no less!) Interesting look at the stats back in the day.... 1970 QB ratings
  23. Ha! I toured x-country in a 1968 VW van outfitted as a camper when I was 19 back in 1978. It wouldn't turn over once it got heated up so we ended up push starting it across the country. We thought it had 46,000 miles when we bought it - later found out it was 146,000. Past two years did cross-country in my buddy's 2005 Corvette convertible. Didn't push start it once! Nice ride!
  24. Nevertheless it is a fact he was ROY. QB numbers, especially INTs were different back then.
  25. I think Dennis Shaw was Rookie of the Year after the 1970 season. He just couldn't beat the rush and stop throwing INTs, but we got some trade value when he was traded to St Louis, for none other than Ahmad Rashad!
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