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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. All I care is that the 5th round punter makes it. The NFL can never have enough Zoltans.
  2. I got a call late last night from a good friend who told me her only son had been killed in a car accident early Sunday morning in Horseheads, NY. Ryan Scherer was 18 years old and headed to St Bonaventure in the fall. Although I only knew him for a short time, he made a wonderful impression on me. He was a funny, sweet, active and energetic kid. He had a lot of friends and the respect of the adults in his life. My friend is a single Mom who raised him well, was involved and supportive of everything he did, and is now without the center of her world. It is a very tragic thing, and makes me thankful my three daughters have made it safely to their early 20s. Give your kids a hug and please keep Ryan and his family in your prayers. Those wishing, may remember Ryan through memorials to the Soaring Capital Soccer Club (PO Box 390, Elmira, NY 14902) in his memory. Thanks for letting me share this; I am dumbfounded over this and wanted to do something to help spread Ryan's memory. Obit
  3. No freakin' way!! I hear he doesn't even do squats as part of his workout!
  4. Ha! I'm sure there are others, but your story reminded me of one time when I did try to heat a can of Dinty Moore Beef Stew on a Coleman stove....but neglected to vent the can. This was back before pop top cans. Thank God...that thing blew up like a balloon in no time. Would have died from the shrapnel......
  5. Now there's an interesting list! Excellent! Rush and Neil Diamond....wouldn't that be a hell of a tour???
  6. Hey Hoss - I'm really sorry to hear about your buddy. I wish it was as easy as not letting our friends do the same thing, but we both know it's not. You have found sobriety and that is the most important thing. Keep showing those still using how good life can be. And keep making those that have gone before you proud.
  7. LOL! Actually, once you loaded it with the 5 albums, it wouldn't be so crappy anymore!
  8. More importantly, how did you find out about them? Are they really good, or are you just checking them out?
  9. You don't find some of them attractive? Feel free to nominate your own!
  10. Ha..yeah that was it! I remember The Cars were pretty stoic and didn't fit the rock n roll atmosphere at all. Also remember my buddies trying to buy a Happy Meal at McD's before the show and having to leave because they were laughing so hard. Those were the days.....glad my kids didn't know us back then.
  11. Must have been late 1978. Bob Seger in The Aud. Got hooked up with 10th row or so seats by a guy (Saul) that used to sell concert tickets from a small booth in Eastern Hills Mall. Did just enough acid to make it a memorable experience.
  12. Not sure if she has been nominated yet, but try Colbie Callait...I sure would like to! Colbie NSFW
  13. Very nice. What was the average shutter speed on these? I don't see them listed with the metadata.
  14. Opps! my bad! I used to watch no less. And I liked the old school Promo better than the updated version!
  15. I'd crash it and test those air bags.....
  16. Not even the theme song from the Commander Tom Show????
  17. Pretty cool! You have a good eye for photography and although some poems are a little long, it's an interesting match!
  18. There's really no rhyme or reason...just trying to get exposed to some music/artists I may have never heard before. Seen some interesting selections and it will keep me busy for a while checking them all out. Many thanks to all who have played along! Keep playing!
  19. you mean the smoking and driving, or Hoss's new avatar?
  20. This sheds more light on the subject: More Light
  21. Admissions like this will not be tolerated!!! On this board, we are all experts and keen judges of football talent - and the sooner you admit to that, the better off we'll all be!
  22. Like, wow man Discuss. EDIT: More light on the subject
  23. What??? How can that be? She is the antithesis of Dakota Fanning!
  24. I always took "upside" to mean: "Hasn't played enough to have been proven to be a bust that can be readily replaced by another teams' undrafted free agent castoff". For example, "Brian Brohm has more upside than Fitz"
  25. I thought they cleaned up Times Square and it wasn't scary anymore! Frightening
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