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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. Chopping wood means never try to take a euphemism and make it literal - to wit: Del Rio's bad idea
  2. Trust me - a little bit of me goes a looooong way. Just ask my girlfriend. She knows all about my "little bit".
  3. Once I realized my stylist had a rubber knub, I switched to Super Cuts.
  4. That would be Glenn Bass.... Andy Griffith (or Griffin) I'm old school, but very hard to name just 5: Marlin Briscoe - bright light in a bad season Thurman Bob James another HOF career cut short by injury Jim Kelly Smerlas
  5. I hear he went to a real brainiac school.....Harvard? Some place like that.
  6. Taro Tsujimoto
  7. Translation: "Someone pullleeeze call me!! - offer me ANYTHING! They are loading up the Mayflower vans!!"
  8. Good name I have a maltese-shi tzu mix I named Winston. He needed a distinguished name because he's a dirty little bastard that eats anything gross and disgusting. But I love the little bastard!
  9. Somebody needs to book that room for Tom Brady's old man.
  10. If you have an interest in old-school football, check out "Instant Replay" by Jerry Kramer. Kramer was a guard on the 1960s-era Green Bay Packers, and the book is a daily diary of the 1966 season. Very interesting to read about football back in the day, to wit: Talking about the league eliminating "pep pills" from the locker rooms a few years before; A new sideline beverage from Florida called "Gatorade" a mixture of water, salt, glucose and "it tastes good" Getting an opportunity to see the "brand new" landmark Arch in St Louis Talking about his blacking out during the second half of a game after a concussion and not missing a subsequent practice A great insight into football back in the day, and the historical references above are amusing. Eye-opening is his reference to black players as "negroes" or "colored", and how black players had to use separate entrances to restaurants down south - Lombardi had the whole team use the back entrance. Also eye-opening are the descriptions of injuries and how archaic the treatment and recognition of them were. Check it out! Any suggestions for other good football books worth checking out?
  11. Screw the coaching - suit him up and put him on the field! He's probably better at 50 than what we will have on the roster come September!
  12. And they turned me down!! I could have butchered it like that, no problem.....
  13. The white Jerry Rice - Kevin Drake!! Never heard of him either....but I got his #15 jersey when I ordered a game worn Home Blue jersey from the 2000 season. Apparently he was on our practice squad that year. I can't even find a reference to him making a catch in preseason!
  14. C'mon Buddy...git 'er done!
  15. Almost the entire country will be watching!!! ..........for at least half of the first quarter.....
  16. "This showcases the advantage of being in Los Angeles, how people would rather be outside or inside," said Ron Turner, principal of the project's lead architect, Gensler. "We need a symbol, a gateway. It's important for people to say, 'Wow! That's L.A.' " Wow....that's an LA fruitcake speaking - makes me want to kick his pansy ass!!! (summoning my inner Ditka).
  17. Can you post a link to that thread?....I'm into reading the classics!
  18. I'll handle this.....GIT 'ER DONE, BUDDY! ....or else I'm DONE with this team!
  19. Hell no....not even with your dick!
  20. Can't get enough of these )from the Daily Show and other sources): "Al-Jizzera" "Lezbollah" "Dead Man Wankin'" "Weapons of Ass Destruction" "Weapons of Mass-turbation"
  21. From the Bob and Tom Show: "Hung Like Saddam" "Lawrence of A-Labia"
  22. The links at the bottom of the page take you to bob Kosinski's channel of the War of the Worlds special from 1998. There are also tons of links to Bills and Empire Sports Network videos Bob Kosinski's Channel Another link to old Buffalo radio resources...very retro! Radio clips of Sabres, Bills, Braves and more
  23. This is very cool....there are links to a special on it at bottom WKBW's War of the Worlds The links take you to a page of Bob Kosinski's clips of Empire Sports Network....good times, good times....check them out
  24. My understanding is if I am taking a narcotic of any kind, I do not consider myself sober, because of the mind-altering aspect (side effect?) of narcotics. Tylenol and Advil are non-narcotic, and so would not compromise my sobriety. But each person really defines their own sobriety, because, really, no one else cares what we do!
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