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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. That might be a cynical look at things, but it also makes some sense!
  2. To a large extent, I think Ralph has been his own worst enemy, and I think it has less to do with finances as it does his ability to get along with highly motivated, succcessful and aggressive football people. Looking back at the Bills' history, Ralph has had problems with Lou Saban (twice), Chuck Knox, Bill Polian, John Butler....most of the people that have been successful for the Bills have left over disputes with Ralph (or so it seems from my recollection of the events leading to their dismissal or quitting). Ralph has made some horrible decisions (appointing Harvey Johnson interim coach TWICE, hiring Brandon to be GM, Stew Barber to be GM, etc). Ralph also has had some bad luck in hiring guys that on paper looked to be pretty smart hires (John Rauch, Donohoe, even Gregg Williams). Whether he is too meddlesome, or reluctant to hand over authority to the professionals he hired, Ralph seems to have caused more problems via his management style than via his wallet. That being said, he HAS kept the team here for 50 years and he HAS hit the jackpot with hires that others ridiculed - Levy, Nix, Chan (ok, maybe its too early to say he hit the jackpot on the latter two!). I'm just glad all of my professional decisions and financial actions aren't out there for everyone to see and criticize Whether Ralph has a succession plan in place or not will have little to no bearing on my enjoyment of this coming season. I am glad he felt compelled to spend a bunch of money on solid acquisitions that should really help this team succeed this year.
  3. ....but it looks like he had a Cesarean section. it ain't pretty.....
  4. Congratulations! To see your work come to fruition must be exciting! Tell you what- I'll get a bunch of guys and we'll come down from Syracuse in Tebow and Sanchez jerseys and raise hell against each other! Wait - am I in the wrong thread again?
  5. To quote Lou Saban: "GOD ALMIGHTY....WHAT ARE WE DOING???? WHY DO WE DO THAT???"
  6. I'm in Syracuse and can definitely make this happen!! Of course, I'll need some help purchasing the jerseys....soooo..Paypal me the money for say, 8 jerseys? And we'll need the $300 ones - gotta make it look authentic!
  7. Surprisingly, I'm looking hard at Indy this year...... see what I did there?
  8. My daughter lives on 4th St NE and her rent for a townhouse is in your budget. She formerly lived in an apartment in Columbia Heights (right above a Metro station); lots of places to rent there and it's a great location if you'll only be there a couple years. I think you'll love DC! Just ask DC Tom.
  9. Game Day Sales Associate: "Inviting stadium guests to visit your location in a helpful, friendly manner" Sounds like a great opportunity to make some cash on the side..... "Authentic jerseys are too pricy,huh? Hmmm....I happen to have some other "Made in China" stock in the truck of my car - see me after the game!"
  10. This topic is already being discussed in another thread; please use the search function. My turn to be a moderator
  11. Two radio stations and other sources I stream online: WFUV.org - public station from Fordham University - great new music and some older stuff sprinkled in. WFUV KGSR.com - commercial station in Austin, TX - great new music mix KGSR Grooveshark - non-interrupted music selection of your choice,including entire albums. Grooveshark NPR.org - great live concerts NPR
  12. Darn those guys taking money from the rich.... "On Thursday, federal authorities said the Salt Lake investigation is part of Project Copycat, a national ICE-led crackdown targeting websites selling a wide array of counterfeit goods, such as baby carriers, language and fitness DVD sets, clothing and jewelry."
  13. Ha! I went to high school with this guy! Don't remember him being a Bills fan, but apparently he was "scarred".....as many of us late 60s/early 70s Bills fans were!
  14. This is my "go to" website for photos of hot teachers arrested for doing it with teenage boys. Not sure where else I could find such important content so readily! I do notice you guys also talk about football here a bit too. That's cool, I guess.
  15. you're on the cusp of old then.......
  16. FIFTY-SEVEN??!! wow - you are OLD!
  17. I'm 53, and just on the cusp of starting to think about grazing the very outer limits of "middle age". So I guess the answer to your question is yes.
  18. OJ's HOF profile says he also wore # 33 with the Bills, which I don't remember at all. Bills media guide confirms it as well. He did wear # 36 in the Pro Bowl in the mid-70s.
  19. This is a beautiful and romantic song - perfect for a first dance. Best wishes to you both. Make growing your relationship a priority - if you plan to stay together, you both will change a lot and you'll need to keep the focus on having your relationship keep up with the changes in you both. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1qL2ynRpXU&feature=fvwrel THE LUCKIEST - BEN FOLDS I don't get many things right the first time In fact, I am told that a lot Now I know all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls Brought me here And where was I before the day That I first saw your lovely face? Now I see it everyday And I know That I am I am I am The luckiest What if I'd been born fifty years before you In a house on a street where you lived? Maybe I'd be outside as you passed on your bike Would I know? And in a white sea of eyes I see one pair that I recognize And I know That I am I am I am The luckiest I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you Next door there's an old man who lived to his nineties And one day passed away in his sleep And his wife; she stayed for a couple of days And passed away I'm sorry, I know that's a strange way to tell you that I know we belong That I know That I am I am I am The luckiest
  20. I was 10 when my Dad took me to the 1969 Broncos game. We sat in the end zone with the concrete steps...errr....bleachers. Was so excited to see OJ. I remember it was rainy but I didn't care...saw Bills win for first time. Made up for the game he took me to in 1968 when Lamonica came back and destroyed us 48-6. 1968 was the first year I really got into following football on my own, and I have a perverse love of that season even now. Brings back many good memories of my Dad. The Bills were always our connection. In 1970, he bought three tickets - for me, my Mom and Dad, to see Cincy play the Bills. The seats were on the Bills sideline, under the roof and cost SEVEN DOLLARS each. That was like a fortune to me back then. The tickets were pinned to the bulletin board in the kitchen, and I looked at them every time I passed them. I could not wait to go to that game and sit in those expensive seats. The morning of the game, my Dad had heart pains (he had history of heart attacks). He took me for a walk and told me he couldn't go to the game...I was devastated. So I went with my Mom and sister, who really wasn't into it at all. The game was a disaster - OJ blew out a knee on a meaningless kickoff return before halftime, some drunk kids spilled wine on me and burned a cigarette hole in our Bills blanket. Worst day of my young life. Dad passed away 5 years later when I was 16. Even though the Bills sucked in those years - 1968-1971 are among my favorite seasons because I had that connection to Dad and I was so excited to see the Bills play, and when they won - it was amazingly fun. There was nothing better than coming downtown through the ghetto, walking through that filthy, dirty stadium and then walking out and seeing that gorgeous, bright green field and those royal blue jerseys, red Buffaloes and white pants. Remember, I was watching the Bills on a black and white television and to see the colors in person was stunning! And back then, the players seemed so accessible and real - they all had other jobs around town and they were definitely a lovable bunch of losers - who had a recent history of being the toast of the town. Very cool reliving these memories and I appreciate the opportunity to share my experiences here!
  21. He was Dick Jauron - before we had Dick Jauron!
  22. To borrow from Jeff Foxworthy - If you remember this $%*!.....you must be an old fart!
  23. There's also an interview with the Bills' Paul Guidry on there.....
  24. Even if you don't remember him, you might find this interesting - as is this website (for those who remember the AFL)..... Bobby Burnett
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