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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. No matter WHAT happens - there will be someone to say "I told you so". Take it to the bank (as to your second question - people's opinions are more often unwarranted than warranted )
  2. Yes, I agree with your point that by trading up, you need to get a higher rate of return. By doing some math (which I abhor), these results suggest you generally DO NOT get good value on your return by trading up: http://harvardsports...-the-nfl-draft/ Further, a second paper cited within the above link found that "We find that top draft picks are overvalued in a manner that is inconsistent with rational expectations and efficient markets and consistent with psychological research."
  3. If I worked for WGR, I would want the Bills to trade up as well - not because it makes sense, but because it makes better fodder for talking heads and inane "long-time listener, first-time callers" This article does a good job breaking it down by position. If you want true "odds" you'll have to do some math, but it seems like the "odds" are better to use more picks to try and find those diamonds, rather than going all in with several picks on one guy. http://nfl.si.com/2012/03/30/what-do-all-pro-teams-tell-us-about-nfl-draft/
  4. I got 4 for the San Diego game on Stubhub and paid almost exactly what the Silver individual game price is - including fees.
  5. Or Daryl Lamonica for Art Powell and Tom Flores.....hey, this is fun!
  6. Bills draft Jake Matthews at #9. Bonus Guarantee: Kiper gives Bills draft B-
  7. The only thing crazier than two 1st round picks for Romo would be....I dunno...a 1st round pick for......Rob Johnson? wait.......
  8. Only in Madden will Stevie be part of a package to move up from #9.
  9. Jets only team coming off bye. Packers come in off a Monday.
  10. I like it - but it needs to be two minutes max.
  11. This week it's Elbow. The new album is excellent. Another recent obsession has been Hem. Otherwise, going by the bands whose entire catalogs I own, would be Roger Hodgson (Supertramp), Joe Jackson, 10,000 Maniacs and Natalie Merchant, Steely Dan, David Byrne, and The Clarks.
  12. Tell me about it! Bitches be ALL OVER me at the club.....
  13. Given the gases released, I think these should more accurately be called "Sun farts"
  14. If only Russ Brandon would get caught leaving Tempo with a carload of blow and hookers, we'd get some damn press.....
  15. Not sure if this has been pointed out, but Ralph is cheap.
  16. He looks very, very sad.......
  17. I was a season ticket holder, and married with three daughters (14, 12 and 11). I'm now a divorced grandfather (and I get laid waaay more often) - and I DVR games if it's a beautiful day to be outside.
  18. God doesn't punish, period. Karma, however, is a vindictive B word.
  19. Apparently all the manure isn't in your barn, because that is some enlightened sh$t right there!
  20. So, if a guy is talking smack to me at a Bills game, I should punch his wife? In Buffalo, that's risky because she'll probably outweigh me by 50 pounds.
  21. Westside: your pain is palpable, and I admire you for sharing it with us. My prayer for your wife is that God holds her in His loving embrace always. My prayer for you is that once you get past the shock, you have (or find) a Higher Power that can bring you relief. I personally believe that since we all are only here temporarily, it's more important and fulfilling to focus on the thought that my loved ones and I will always be together, well beyond this fragile life. God bless you both.
  22. Wow. Just wow. Is that how justice is executed down on the farm?
  23. Suicide bombing instructor accidentally blows up Iraqi suicide bombers in training http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2014/02/suicide_bombers_killed_accident_suicide_bombing_class_iraq.html#incart_m-rpt-2
  24. FWIW (from MMQB): 5. I think if you wondered why Ken Whisenhunt took the Tennessee job instead of Detroit, remember two things: He might not have gotten the Detroit job, and Tennessee was willing to pay him a premium to accept its job Monday instead of waiting for whatever happened in Detroit. “The Lions were still involved in their process,” Whisenhunt told me, “and they felt strongly about coach [Jim] Caldwell, and Tennessee moved quickly.” That’s code for, “I had better take the job with the offer on the table.” (http://mmqb.si.com/2014/01/20/peyton-manning-richard-sherman-monday-morning-quarterback/7/)
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