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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. This game is giving me flashbacks to 1970, 1971
  2. Apparently very hard
  3. Thought same thing - blocking ability?
  4. These Our Time commercials seem even more ridiculous when they play like this
  5. Time for EJ to take off his Bills sunglasses
  6. Nice mix of music, especially for commercial broadcast radio. Thank God for the internet - if I could only listen to broadcast radio here, I'd rather listen to the voices in my head
  7. Ahem....Hanson, anyone?
  8. Just like every year since 1968, I'm hoping they win more than they lose and that there are a couple memorable wins in there I can record and save for posterity. Anything beyond that is icing on the cake.
  9. I dunno about that, but there's quite a selection to choose from: http://www.bobborst.com/popculture/top-100-songs-of-the-year/?year=1998
  10. Crackin' me up! So, what exactly was that "decent music" written in 1998??
  11. I know there are lots of music lovers here with eclectic tastes. Broadcast radio is pretty sad in Syracuse (but the "Blue Moon Cafe" on Sunday mornings provides some relief - though it's almost entirely old stuff). I have found internet radio to be a good listen. I am a member of WFUV (wfuv.org) and listen to other internet radio stations, such as KEXP (Seattle), KUTX (Austin), KGSR (Austin) and The Current (Minnesota). Many of them put out CDs each year with the best of their live in-studio performances. KGSR and WFUV are particularly good, as is KFOG's (San Francisco). My current favorite station is KCRW (KCRW.com). They have an all-music channel "Eclectic 24" that is quite good, interruption and commercial free, and is a source for new music for me. Where do you find new music? Edit: Noisetrade and Bandsintown have been good sources, as well.
  12. Actually, wouldn't the "Ice Bucket Challenge" be more appropriate for pornography addiction? Treatment AND a fundraiser!
  13. That IS funny! The link is: I sent the video link to one of my guys that suffers from this and this was his reply: "I got goosebumps on the back of my neck, that is totally me and how I feel. I had tears running down my face by the end. Thank you in a sincere way!"
  14. Thanks for posting this. Although it may seem to some like a bad Saturday Night Live "short", this is a real problem. I sponsor a group of men in two different 12-step programs and I have seen first-hand how real this addiction is and how it devastates their families and the men themselves. 12-step Recovery is spiritually-based and this video is pretty much in line with the spiritual aspects of 12-step recovery.
  15. hater
  16. Let me be the first to say "I am so done with this team".
  17. You mean people come here for reasons OTHER than to see the board melt down? That doesn't sound like much fun....
  18. VHS? Really??? I deal strictly in Beta
  19. I can sell you copies from my vast collection of pirated, copyrighted broadcasts.....unless you're a spy for the NFL - in which case I don't know what you are talking about.
  20. Ummm...maybe it was created as another opportunity for you to demonstrate your vast knowledge and to act indignant?
  21. It will be streaming live here: http://stream.nbcsports.com/liveextra/
  22. First Bills offensive play: bomb to Sammy for the TD
  23. 55.....but all the girls say I look 54
  24. Find a good back or spinal specialist. Taking any advice without medical expertise is risky. My experience is having a herniated disc at L4-L5. I tried chiro, accupuncture and electrical stim. Nothing helped. Once I found a good specialist he did epidurals with a steroid/novacaine mix. It relieved the pain and leg symptoms. Then I did Mackenziie exercises to improve lordosis. I've had this since 1994 and have occasional flare ups but with quality medical care I have avoided surgery. Spinal surgery can be a crapshoot and both a neurosurgeon and orthopod surgeon have told me to avoid surgery if I can. Beware treating this without medical expertise. PS pain meds landed me in rehab. My experience was as you indicated - you get a buzz but no true pain relief. Be very careful because pain meds are highly addictive to some folks - both emotionally and physically. Good Luck to you Chef!
  25. How could you tell? If he were any slower, he'd be crawling!
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