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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. Have an opportunity to be on the field pregame this week and was hoping to get some inside information on what to expect......other than rain and t-storms. Have always wanted to do this and finally know the right people!
  2. I have saved a dozen or more issues from the Super Bowl era - might dig them out and check them out this weekend! Hope they haven't turned to dust.....
  3. Marrone having an epic "they are who we thought they were" meltdown. And punching out Jerry Sullivan.
  4. Until someone gets "Bresnahaned" it's much ado about nothing: http://articles.latimes.com/1989-10-24/sports/sp-808_1_assistant-coaches
  5. Beats using leeches but it's not far from it. Fortunately his nurse is a definite YES!
  6. I'm sitting in my doctors office waiting for a phlebotomy. That video really got my blood pumping! My doctor and I both thank you Yolo!
  7. Dr Trooth takes exception to the bolded part.
  8. Ultimate irony that Welker was suspended for speed....
  9. Same for me. We were on pressbox side, about the 10 yd line at the endzone with the concrete bleachers. Even thought the Bills lost, I was happy our car still had four wheels on it when we left for home. Tough neighborhood.....
  10. I'm Alan Branch...I'm a millionaire!
  11. The booing is, to me, harmless and ultimately meaningless. NFL football is entertainment and part of the allure of spectator sports is the cathartic display of emotion. What gets me are the "people" that scream epithets and obscenities to specific players, coaches and refs. It's enough to call security if you are prepared to have a trial in the aisle. Booing? Knock yourself out. If it hurts the players' feelings - too bad. Try a career in a cubicle.
  12. Thanks for clearing that up. Makes total sense now. I'll be on vacation in Southern Utah for the first two games , but will be in Section 130 for the Chargers game. I'll buy you a $9 beer - stop by!
  13. The only way the exhibition "limited play book" makes sense is if they have an entirely new play book. Otherwise won't they be running, for the most part, plays they ran last year? Plays which any opponent will have seen on film? And once you spring these "mystery plays" you've been hiding until the first game, does that mean you'll not be effective the rest of the season because - Gasp- you've shown your cards? I think it's all a bunch of psychological hooey. Disclaimer: I have not played football since Little League, but I did stay at HI Express last night.
  14. Don't let this affect your self of steam
  15. They used to be paper and cost about the same as a tank of gas. Now they are electronic and cost the same as a HUGE tank of gas.
  16. Overthinking this. The guy has been on a downhill slide since signing the extension. Didn't do offseason program, showed up out of shape, and now DWI. Not hard to connect the dots without a conspiracy theory.
  17. They talked about it but the video was limited and rather disappointing (both the game and the views of the renovations)
  18. I think maybe having been through this drill with JP then Trent then Fitz has made people tired of paying for the same sorry results. Maybe if we were given a rebate for the waiting period there would be more patience. It's like a restaurant that puts out bad food and people complain. They change cooks but the food still sucks. You think the customer is just supposed to shut up and eat the food anyway in hopes the food will be better year?
  19. Maybe I'm missing something, but what exactly are we hiding behind this limited play book anyway? Are we really going to spring an entirely new offense on the Bears? Will we not be using any of the plays we ran last year? And is sending your young, inexperienced franchise QB up the creek without a paddle the best way to "develop" him? I can see that we might have a few new plays or protection schemes in our pocket, but it just isn't common sense to hamstring ourselves with this limited play book crap. As Lou Saban would say: " God almighty!! Why do we DO that??"
  20. NOT booing that performance would call into question our sanity! Bills' management fires guys who don't do their job. Fans are wrong for expressing displeasure by simply booing? A sold out EXHIBITION game cemented Bills fans' loyalty.
  21. We tried ugly unis and we still sucked
  22. TBD server performing about as well as Bills O
  23. Halftime show never looked so good
  24. This game is giving me flashbacks to 1970, 1971
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