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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. I think you meant to say most tix are expensive until you get under 22 days, when they become outrageous. 🥴
  2. I remember going to a playoff game in the 90s? and there were a bunch of Dawg Pound guys here for it. I think it was when Modell did them dirty and Buffalo hosted the Browns fans to get their football fix.
  3. I saw this too, but in the end it says the game “could” be protected. That’s got to be a 99.99% probability.
  4. Every time I see this thread title, I’m wondering if a “Hanging Kermit” is kinda like a “Cleveland Steamer” kinda thing.
  5. Really? That’s all it took? Don’t tell the Dolphins that.
  6. That narrows it down to about 20% of the members here.
  7. Good move. There’s no reason to play that Browns - Bengals game to begin with.
  8. I dunno, Chicken Dance floats my boat
  9. What are the cap ramifications of releasing him now?
  10. There you go Daniel. Time to make friends with Woody and remain king of NYC.
  11. “Browns have it in the bag” 10 minutes later… ”Steelers have it in the bag”
  12. Today I learned Dlcks.com takes you to a sporting goods store.
  13. Don’t be ridiculous. 50 pages, tops.
  14. It’s also remarkably similar to when my wife has gas in the middle of the night.
  15. The feeling of superiority is intoxicating.
  16. OMFG. Well done. 🤣🤣
  17. Oooooooooo…..now you done it!!
  18. I’m offended. There are 13 incredibly insightful pages about a Kermit the Frog effigy you are missing out on.
  19. Waddya mean? Those lyrics are played out in parking lot jersey purchases all the time.
  20. Check my post on page 10, perv
  21. I wouldn’t go in there without a full Hazmat suit. What we need is some consensus to bring us all together. Can we all agree that next time, instead of hanging Kermit from a pole, they shove the pole up his butt?
  22. You don’t shop at Walmart, I’m guessing.
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