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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. Citing Jets fans as a way to make your point? Yeah, I’m convinced. 🤣
  2. If you write an article that nobody talks about, you aren’t doing your job.
  3. This is like the kid you beat up all through elementary school, middle school and high school putting a sign in your yard saying “I’m the greatest”. “Go away kid, you bother me.”
  4. The fact that Lock plans to even come out onto the field of play is a slap in the face of the Bills’ D. Hope they B word slap him.
  5. I had a Small World trip booked and we went down even though they said the tickets fell through. We ended up talking to a guy the morning of the game at the hotel where ESPN was broadcasting. He said some car dealers were giving out tickets downstairs and we might find someone willing to sell. People were coming up the escalator while we were going down and we were asking if anyone wanted to sell. One couple kind of looked at each other and we knew we had a seller. Followed them upstairs and paid $2500 each for two. One the charter home, everyone was pissed because Small World basically abandoned everyone after the first day down there. We filed a Class Action lawsuit and I got back about half of my $1300 I paid Small World before they went bankrupt. It was so worth it. The game experience was surreal. But I’m not sure it would be as much fun if there’s a lockdown of some sort. The night before the game Atlanta was jammed with Bills fans and the Shout Song was being sung in every bar we went to.
  6. That was Greg Bell. Cribbs was gone by then.
  7. How can you not see the drama? The Bills win to take care of business. All eyes are on the Ravens game as it will decide if the drought ends. The players are all together, eyes locked on the TV in the locker room. All of Buffalo watching and seeing a desperate situation. It looks hopeless. 4th and a mile. Dalton looks like he’s going to be sacked and it’s over. Then a miracle! You seriously don’t see the infatuation? It’s exactly why people are fanatical about sports.
  8. Horrible for the Steelers? Why so? Curious if your take is different from what I’ve been reading. I like the way you think. 🤣
  9. Poor TJ Yeldon. He’ll be a free agent at 67 years old: “He doesn’t have many miles on him”
  10. He didn’t show up until the next year. He played QB for the Broncos and beat the Bills on a long bomb to Floyd Little later in the year. I remember this Jets game well. For home games, my father would throw us into the car and go for a drive and listen to the game. Maybe stop at a bar for a couple shots and beers while we got orange pop and pretzels. I can remember all the interceptions and TD returns.
  11. Apparently you’ve missed all the posts about women having sex with young boys. Oh - there’s one now!
  12. For all intensive purposes, you probably should not post at all.
  13. Post a recipe for retatta and then reap the rewards.
  14. Off topic, but that looks to me like a disc injury he’s trying to remedy. I have herniated discs and some of the McKenzie exercises have me doing stuff like this.
  15. Brady didn’t execute the plays, period. You can second guess the calls all you want and make up all kinds of make believe scenarios, but the point is Brady didn’t execute a successful play or drive.
  16. Whenever a play doesn’t work, it’s the coach’s fault. Right. Brady sucked in that game. Period.
  17. The author lost me when he described Brady throwing two incompletions and a 1 yard completion and the Rams taking the ball and kicking a field goal to end the half - and basically says it’s Ariens’ fault. Huh??
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