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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. ““Plaintiff was mentally beat, the pressure from Watson’s relentless instruction coercing her against her will left her powerless,” the lawsuit alleges.” That reads like one of those 1980s paperback novels with Fabio on the cover.
  2. Your zero rating in Madden is looking pretty solid, by the way
  3. Glad most of the full games I collected are all on YouTube now too! 🤦🏻‍♂️
  4. Literally VHS and then copied them over to DVD with a burner circa 2002 🤣
  5. I think the Bills used to make these films available to community groups to view. I never knew they existed until they started showing them on ESPN or ESPN Classic.
  6. I wish I had known all these old films would be available 24/7 for free. I spent hours and hours and mucho dinero to collect these MFers over the 90s and 00s.
  7. Apparently the OP hasn’t tried my recipe for glazed duck. Yum.
  8. The video was great for the highlights, but that dude incessantly talking needs to shut up.
  9. Hoping for a happy ending to it all
  10. After weeks of Watson’s junk, this is so welcome!
  11. It’ll always be HighFart Stadium to me Beavis. I’ll call it “The Toot” for short.
  12. If there’s an extra game this year, why did the cap go down? Wouldn’t the extra game have wiped out the 2020 losses in revenue?
  13. It’s just that 17 is my unlucky number. I’ll lose my shirt that week.
  14. I think Rick also hosted a Bills Highlights show on Saturday afternoons. They would show lots of highlights from the prior week’s game set to 60s instrumental versions of the current hits. It was awesome to see video of home games, which you could never see on TV in those days.
  15. FireChans is just PO’ed that Jauronimo’s QB controversy thread went down in flames.
  16. I think perhaps their standpoint comes from knowing people who ARE in recovery. The First Step of the 12 Steps is to admit you are powerless over alcohol and that your life has become unmanageable. The Second sSep is about there being a power greater than yourself to restore you to sanity. The Third Step is turning your will and life over to the care of that Higher Power. Those steps are all about ego deflation and humility. The selfie of Jordan in from of his Lambo and mansion doesn’t shout “humility”. So, as I understand the criticism, that’s the beef some have with the situation. But Jordan didn’t say anything about being a member of AA or using the steps to recover. In fact, it would be against AA tradition to out yourself publicly. So, I think the criticism isn’t warranted from that standpoint. Basically, it sounds to me like he found himself drinking too much, being told that by family finally sunk in, and he went to some meetings and got a dose of reality. With that, he’s chosen to not drink. And now he’s celebrating a year without drinking by making a post of gratitude and desire to help others. People are going to judge others’ sincerity. Social media invites that kind of judgement. It’s the nature of the beast. But I do know I feel inspired whenever a public figure does express gratitude for sobriety, like Jason Isbell does in his interviews and songs, because I feel a bond that wouldn’t normally be there.
  17. Internet Rule #1: “Don’t be offended by people who are offended.” 😜 In AA, there’s something called Rule #62: “Don’t take yourself so damn seriously.” It came from a story in AA’s history where they tried to make too many rules for membership and failed. I understand the point you are trying to make, and give you credit for trying, but I’ve found it’s hard (and usually pointless) to get people to change their perspective in social media. Always worth a shot though! 😝
  18. Eh, he’s just in that celebrity mode and maybe his ego hasn’t been downsized yet. He’s an NFL player, makes a ton of money, has a smoking hot celebrity wife in a small town that adores their team - I wouldn’t be Mr. Humility either. Unless you know him personally and have some inside knowledge about his insincerity, I’m willing to look past all that because it might help someone that needs a sign.
  19. I have a dog in this fight. 😂 I totally relate to Poyer’s post. After a DWI, I started thinking maybe I do have a problem and eventually went to AA for about a month. I felt exactly like Poyer described - I didn’t feel my problem was anywhere near as bad as the stories I was hearing in meetings. I made the mistake of “comparing rather than relating”. I decided I would quit drinking on my own and stopped going to AA. Nine years later, after two serious blackout incidents - at Bills games no less - I went to outpatient rehab and went full bore into AA. That was 11 years ago. If Poyer just was drinking too much to cope with stress, he may be able to just stop on his own like he says he is. But if he’s truly an alcoholic, and it is more likely if his Mom is because the disease is hereditary, then I hope he decides to get help and remain in some type of recovery program because it will always get you eventually. Regardless of all that, I admire the post he made and sent him a DM telling him so. I believe his heart was in the right place and he is sincerely trying to be grateful for his sobriety and to help others. To me, he obviously has a lot of self-confidence, and the photo he posted with his statement reflects his celebrity status. But I totally admire anyone’s desire to help others, even if it comes off as insincere to some. His post inspired me a great deal.
  20. Relax. In another few years, all the players McBean knew in Carolina will be retired and we’ll only have to worry about signing ex-players to the coaching staff.
  21. If they don’t get the highest one, they are awarded an additional one.
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