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Everything posted by TristanFabriani

  1. I enjoyed how Wu went from doghouse to penthouse in two episodes.
  2. Fortunately we have you and Alaska to tell us the truth about investing. And please, tell us what you will invest in for the next year. If you are going to trash Nobel economists, then put your own predictions on the line...
  3. Reading comprehension was the problem. I failed to note it was already in USD. The exchange was a bad guess too. I failed on all accounts...
  4. The initial post says "price/pair", so may it's a price for two tickets? That would make it about the same as $40US.
  5. One difference I noticed between JP and DB, is JP's play fake is much better. While it seems inconsequential, it can have a significant impact. Think Peyton Manning, probably the best at it. He's so good I can't tell sometimes whether he kept the ball or gave it to James. Many of those play fakes ended up as Marvin H TDs... DB's fake was terrible. JP's is pretty good.
  6. Maybe the four best offensive lines in football.
  7. People typically protest against their government because they disagree with policies that their government pursues. There aren't many human beings that do not feel compassion for these women, and people from all sides of the political spectrum would cheer if the US tried to intervene to help them.
  8. The Basques have been trying to create an independent state for longer than you've been alive. It has nothing to do with what you imply.
  9. Really? Which ones are the reporters?
  10. I believe he was part of the first cut. The bills have tried this ploy before: cut a potential PS player in the first group and hope he stays under the radar until the last cut, then sign him to the PS. I made it a point of watching Peters on kickoffs during the Ram game. Very entertaining! He was also instrumental on a major gain by Willis when he sealed off the entire left side. A recent article mentioned that he asked to workout at tackle because he figured he might get more playing time and he wanted to improve his blocking. I like his potential.
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