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Buffal0 Bill5

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Posts posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. I have never been the eternal optimist type, but after watching last night I am convinced the Bills cannot be that bad, and they are holding everything back for what they have instore for the Patriots and the opener.



    They just can't be that bad.

    Can they?


    I am holding to a thread of hope that they can't. Please, Lord, let them be playing possum. I hope DJ has been saying, "OK, Trent in the preseason you have to perfect your clueless, deer in the headlights look. Make it look as if you don't dare to throw the ball more than 4 yards", then BANG! Super Bowl contender.

    I gotta say I am a little frightened. Everything from One Bills Drive to the coversations at Two Bills Drive seems eerily familiar.

  2. Well, the 1st preseason game...doesn't matter much. Nor do much others after that, except to fans in a particular city. And it was all about the HOF hoopla.


    A national audience doesn't give a rat's patoot about the Bills' 4th safety spot or the Titan's 3rd possible rb. Would you have

    even watched this game if it was the Rams vs. B'gals, and if so, then complained about the lack of play-by-play in the 2nd half? :thumbsup:


    I get that it doesn't matter much, but it was to an extreme. If all you had was the audio, I'm not sure you would have realized there was a game going on. They could have at least interrupted their conversation with an occasional interjection about the game.

  3. I didn't think it was that bad. Lev made a rookie mistake in his first game. Run blocking was a bit disappointing, and our pass rush was bad but that's nothing new, but the O-line actually gave Edwards some time to pass on most plays, and this was their first game together. Wood looked very good, and the offense moved the ball down the field. Will be interesting to see what happens with the first team offense inside the red zone.


    Good point. I can't jump on the we still suck in the red zone bandwagon without ever seeing the starting unit in the red zone. I think the first team needed 1 more series.


    Looking at the replay, Collinsworth pointed out correctly that the INT was certainly not all on Trent.


    I gotta admit what we were seeing was eerily, unsettlingly, familiar.

  4. I used to really be bothered. I would like to think that I have grow, and progressed to a more mature state, with a better ability to grasp what is and is not imoprtant in life. It is probably more realistic to believe that the past 10 years have just numbed me, and I kinda expect the Bills to fall short. Lowered expectations have helped me cope.

  5. Tasker. I start to buy into all of the Tasker doesn't belong in the hall stuff, and then I go back and watch his highlights. On WGR last Tuesday morning they were talking about this, and said something to the effect of his notariety being based on the fact that he was on Superbowl teams. I think his play would have been noted if he had been with a perrenial loser during his career. His motor was running all of the time, and it was all out effort. If Tasker is not in the Hall, no special teams player should be.

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