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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. I would like to see something click with JP, where the coaches bring KH back, and say it's an open competition, and then JP just earns it. I could like to see Holcomb as our backup for quite a while. Is there any news as to the relationship between these two qb's? It was never a secret that RJ and DF hated eachother, and each guy couldn't deal with the other starting. I wonder what these guys think of eachother. The coaches certainly have scripted a perfect atmosphere for rivalry and hatred.
  2. No doubt Mcgee has progressed very well. I'm just not a big fan of 5'9 corners. I believe he'd struggle big time as a #1 corner going consistently against teams #1 receivers. I'm not trying to take anything away from him, he's a playmaker. 542072[/snapback] Good point. After this season, I think that we may find the money is now going to be possible to retain Clements for that. It was a choke year for a guy looking to get a big payday, and he ticked me off, and yes I critcized him frequently, but we could do alot worse.
  3. You rarely seem willing to give a guy room to develop. As TM is in this league, he seems to keep getting better. He is the type of guy the Bills need.
  4. The irony is, a few years ago all we were missing was goos special teams play, and now that is all we have on a consistent basis.
  5. I set his avatar as my wallpaper once. My wife didn't think it was funny.
  6. You mom's kicking the bucket, and the best thing you can muster is a pair of shoes? "when momma meets Jesus tonight". Yeah, thats the first thing he'll notice. Hi mam, ooooh, nice shoes.
  7. The Carol of the Bells. It sounds like it was written by someone going insane from listening to too many bells. I hear the bells, Too many bells, Can't stand the bells, Ringing in ears, Bringing me fear. Scary, Scary, Scary Christmas, Scary, Scary, Scary Christmas. Thats what I hear.
  8. It is the Super Bowl, and I have Tiki Barber as my main guy. It is a tough call between Willis McGahee and Reuben Droughns. Reuben may have a tough time against the Steelers, but Willis hasn't shown me much lately. While you are at it. I have Joey Galloway in the line-up, with Joe Jurevicius on the bench. Galloway has slowed down as of late, and Im thinking about putting Jurevicius in. Opinions? Chris Chambers is my other WR.
  9. Good bye Rusty Jones, Hello Rusty Team. What about bringing in Jerry Rice for strenght and conditioning. See if he can pass along what he knows. He played forever, didn't get injured much, and was, until the end, at the top of his game. Maybe cross the lines into another sport and bring in Robert Parrish from the Celtics. He played until he was about 60 with his martial arts training and whatever it was that he did.
  10. I've been of the opinion for quite a while that Parcells is over-rated, or at least has diminished. What has he done since BB parted company with him? He certainly outmatched Marv in the Superbowl with the Giants, but that was a long time ago. Going on his last two stints, I don't think he is the answer, even if we could get him, which we can't.
  11. It's Christmas eve, and I'm not going to ruin my holiday with crap like that. The Bills are not invited to the party. The off season began in San Diego.
  12. So it's the old argument. Rings equal greatness. By that reasoning Trent Dilfer>Marino or Kelly. Dilfer should be in the HOF. What atravesty that he will not make it! And, before you jump on Me comparing Dilfer to Favre, there is no comparison, but saying Brett singlehandedly won that SB is absurd. He had a really good team that year. If JIm was QBing that team, he has the ring. Both really great qb's. That being said, I hate to see Favre play any more. He still has his flashes of brilliance, but they are becoming fewer all of the time. Retire.
  13. Start with "Let's Get Fired Up", and you have ample letters to make the statement.
  14. If you don't like it, go to Detroit. According to Highlights "Fire Millen" signs are welcome there. Did anyone think of taking a simple "Go Bills" sign into the stadium, and putting a big marker in your pocket. Imagine security trying to stop about 6000 people with that idea. Too bad the home season is over. Sorry, if these thoughts were already posted. I cared enough to chime in, but not enough to read a long a$$ thread about it.
  15. Actually the surprise for me was that it was actually kinda a game until into the 3rd quarter. If Denver plays like that in the playoffs, they're gonna get killed.
  16. And they fed us all of that crap about watching film and working hard.
  17. Lee had a bad game. His first bad drop I said "classic Reed", and the looked again at the number. Hopefully Evans Mom can help us out.
  18. More breaking news: Credible sources tell me that Buffalo will get more snow this winter.
  19. I like what I see with the kid. He has weathered a terrible season with some really screwy coaching, being yanked around, and a poor O-line. He still shows promise. I remember watching Clod Tollins and bracing myself. It was obvious from the git go that he was a bust. Other than the San Fran game, RJ, same story. With JP I see the potential for greatness.
  20. You set a pretty rigorous standard. Even the best talent evaluators lay some eggs, but don't get me wrong TD has laid more than many others. What is sad is that during the 90's we were the class of the league, even our castoffs ended up all over the league. How the mighty have fallen. Related to Lavearneus? Just curious.
  21. But, we were up. Certainly we can defend a 7 point lead for only three and a half quarters. Why bother to play any more offense.
  22. Did you watch the whole game? I was really surprised how many people were there given the season. It thinned out fast in the 2nd half.
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