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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. The simple fact is that Marv Levy has never been a GM so the title of this thread hit it dead on, however, he has done well in many other facets of the game. I think criticism of his age is unwarranted, because Marv continues to be one of those rare people that defies his age. He is healthy and at least publicly very articulate. To me citing the fact that he has not been professionally involved in the game is unwarranted. He has not hid in an NFL free vacuum. He has maintained a very keen interest in the game, and since his retirememt has always tinkered with a return in some capacity. As to those who assume that Ralph and Marv have "lost it" because of their age, cite some examples of how they have embarrased themselves publicly because of this decline. Brown spots on your hands do not indicate you have lost it, brown spots in your pants, however...well, that's another story. I am a fan of Marv Levy, and appreciate everything he has done for the Bills. That being said, all I can do is hope things turn out well. The saddest thing would be a big failure and Marv tarnishing his image in a place where he is loved and respected.
  2. Wow, you figured it out. I'm sure that's it.
  3. Why is the focus so largely on Marv's age? Why does there seem to be the assumption that at a certain age people start to part company with their mental faculties. Marv Levy appears regularly on radio and t.v., not to mention public appearances, and still strikes me as an intelligent articulate person who would be nothing but an asset at One Bills Drive. He is pretty old, but seems to still hold the ability and interest for the task at hand.
  4. I saw it tonight and was very pleased. I took my 6 and 7 year old boys, and was impressed how many of the scenes were done to get the point across, but not be overly graphic. I was impressed with the witch. A very similar concept to the devil in the Passion of the Christ. An intriguing mix between beauty and evil. I certainly hope they continue the series. As I remember from reading the books, the first three are the best, and the last 4 started to drag a little. Perhaps they could somehow condense it into fewer than 7 films.
  5. I'm just speculating that perhaps Ralph is asking. A little humility would go a long way for MM if he has two coaches in the building who have led teams to the SB. I guess it is all in whether or not he is willing to do the asking.
  6. We are all ticked about the season still, but Mularkey may be salvageable. Perhaps one of the biggest reasons for bringing Marv in is to have a mentor to teach him how to be a head coach. New head coaches have to come from somewhere, and like anything else it is a learning process. I'm not saying I like it, but that may be the thinking.
  7. Quarterback nothing! You know how MM likes to fool around with plays. Flutie will be the extra point kicker next year. All drop kicks all the time, and just thing, you are always in formation to go for two if you want to.
  8. I don't understand the contempt for a man due to his age. You obviously have not spent much time with octogenarians. Many are extremely intellegent, quick witted and even surpirsingly healthy and agile. I suspect Marv is one of these. He always took excellent care of himself. What leads you to the conclusion that Marv could not be effective in the front office. It would be as locigal to have said "Marv Levy! He's a frickin English major, what can he do for this team but possibly improve their grammar and usage of the English language". Are there any head coaches that would make good Presidents or GM's? Is the logic that nobody cam ake that jump, or just Marv?
  9. Here's an interesting resume story. I had a guy come in with a resume, and coincidentally that evening on TSW someone posted a link to the sexual offender registry, so I checked it out. I put in our zip code and the guy was on the list picture and all. One lady submitted a resume and her name was Mary Ann Joseph. That was kinda funny. Just this week a guy walks in the store: Guy: Could I get an application. Me: We don't use an application form, but I would be happy to take your resume. Guy: What's a resume? Me: You know, when you document your educational and employment experience. Guy: Uh, I don't think I could do that. I don't know how. Me: Good luck with your job search.
  10. And I lost! I wish MM was coaching NE. He loves to pass from the 3 yard line. Stupid Patriots and their dumb rushing TD's, gosh!!! Idiots!!!!
  11. It would seem to be a combination of the factors listed. His apparent dislike for JP appears to be a factor.
  12. I'm in the midst of my superbowl right now, and I need a whale of a game out of Tom Brady tonight. The guy I am up against is done, and I am down with just Brady to go. I need about 300 yards and 3 tds with no ints to pull it off.
  13. I'm just hoping the AFC cycle lasts for a while. I guess I'm just an AFC guy. For the series the AFC is still down about 6. I was thinking, it would be interesting if the Colts win. They would then have a win as AFC and NFC. I guess, now that I think about it the city of Baltimore already has that. If it's Colts v. Seattle that would be two switcheroo teams meeting up. Man, I've got too much time on my hands
  14. For some reason when I saw the topic of this thread this dialogue immediately came to mind. MICKEY: Cirrhosis of the liver with jaundice! Alright I get to wear make-up! What did you get? KRAMER: Gonorrhea? Excuse me, I think there's been a mistake, see, I had gonorrhea last week. DR. WEXLER: Oh, it's no mistake. We loved what you did with it. KRAMER: I don't believe this, I'm being typecast.
  15. Link This came from Shannon Sharpe's column on nfl.com I still remember when the shoe was on the other foot, and we had to listen to all the crap about "Why even bother sending an AFC team" or "We should do away with the conferences and go to a bracket" blah, blah, blah. I just wish the Bills could be part of it.
  16. Uh, you forgot the part where one of the blind mice awarded the Bengals the first down.
  17. I also think the spot of the ball would have been a no brainer. He was well short of the first down. I would like to say that there is no way the spot could have stood, but this is the NFL, and we've seen some crazy stuff.
  18. Money talks, BS walks. It seems to me guys that refuse to play for a specific team are pretty rare as long as the cash is offered. That being said, I gotta say I was kinda hoping for the Bengals to get an early lead. I am in the middle of my FF Super Bowl, and the guy I am against has Palmer and C. Johnson. Selfishly, I would have liked to see the Bills look, well, like they have been looking, and those two make an early exit. At least the Bills held them in check. Now I need the Ravens D and Tom Brady to come up huge. A win is always a win. It was a fun game that gives me some glimmer of hope for, dare I say it...next year.
  19. I would have gone postal. Sorry, somebody had to do it.
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