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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. That's the spirit, jump right in there with your first post. You will fit in well here.
  2. He Sucks. Man, they can't even win the AFC Championship at home!
  3. My plan got blown out of the water earlier this year when I didn't win the Powerball lottery, but the good news is i have just been informed that I have won a lottery I didn't even enter in Great Britain, between that and some Iraqui woman that chose me (of all people) to help her claim her inheritance, I will be approaching Ralph and the family with an offer soon.
  4. Actually for every team in the league, the "big moment" comes each year, be it in the season or in the playoffs, when it is determined whether they will move on or go home, and somebody messes up. One team wins the Superbowl, and the rest are losers. For each losing team, there are persons who could have performed better. As a matter of fact, if some refs had not screwed up their "big moment", this kick would not have even been attempted.
  5. Due to a recent thread, I got to thinking that funny is in the eye of the beholder. I know people that fall both ways on this one. How about you.
  6. I read an AP article in the Olean Times Herald Today that said he was in remission. I tried to find a link, but have not yet been sucessful.
  7. I have noticed a negative perception toward the elderly that is an underlying factor in the debates about Marv's capability for this job. To me it indicates a deeper problem. I see a societal shift away from revering the elderly and honoring the wisdom that their years have brought them, to making automatic assumptions that elderly people must be, frail, feeble, senile persons incapable of accepting any challenges. Many have argued that due to his age Marv could drop dead at any moment. That is due more to his humanity than his age. Two words...Reggie Lewis. I had a cousin that dropped dead at 15 from the same heart condition that Reggie had, while my wife's grandfather at the ripe old age of 91 still drives his own car, mows his own lawn, and builds houses with Habitat for Humanity. It is true that Marv has never been a GM, and that may prove to be a problem, but I don't know of anyone who was born a pro football GM. Marv has spent the bulk of his life living eating and breathing football, and is an excellent motivator. Take the age argument out of the equation, and I see very little reason to believe that he cannot be succesful.
  8. It happens in business all of the time, from the littlest jobs to the biggest. I'm glad Ralph isn't going to have to pay this guy. By the way, were talking in the millions, not thousands.
  9. Martz looks alot like a lady I know, and I don't want her to coach the Bills either.
  10. The more that I think about this, it looks like good old fashioned business management by Ralph. If he fires the guy it costs him a boatload of money, so instead you give him alot of incentive to quit. Kinda like giving George Costanza the crappy basement office.
  11. What I can't figure out is this...A week ago, all I read here was dissapointment over the Bills retaining Mularkey, now he resigns and that's the end of the world. Holy retard roller coaster Batman.
  12. You were only dissapointed with one of his seasons here?
  13. the Southern Baptist Church Disaster Relief Fund. A very high percentage of the funds go directly to those in need.
  14. They even valued it enough to spell it correctly. Just busting your chops. I agree with your post. Unfortunately, character is not highly valued today.
  15. Jim's fault who said that? We're pulling out the cross to re-crucify Harmon here!
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