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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. I always said the team with the better record should host the game. I know it will never happen, but it would be cool. Your team does the best, you host the championship.
  2. True, expansion teams usually suck. I do think over the course of time, however, the NFL could add a couple of teams and still maintain relatively high quality athleticism.
  3. The only way I couldn't root fo the AFC would be the Fish. Plus the Steelers seem to be playing some motivated football. Steelers win 27 - 20
  4. He's used to getting passed over when he should have been selected.
  5. You honestly believe that there are no players out there that are not in the league that could be? I have always seen it as a right place right time scenario. Tom Brady for example could have just as easily found himself not in the NFL as the SB MVP. We have seen too many examples of sure things (Leaf, Marinovich) that have flopped, and nobodies that became big stars (Andre Reed). Samkon Gado from Liberty that played RB for Green Bay proved to be a servicable NFL back. I have always wondered how many little college guys get passed over because of the intense focus on the big universities. I think it starts in our communities. Even in pee-wee, the QB is not always the most athletic kid, but the coaches son or his buddy's son.
  6. My bad. I started the thread, and didn't think about those who were in different time zones, taping etc. I will not let it happen again.
  7. I'm not sure I'm ready to throw that baby out with the bath water.
  8. They killed Bo Duke. Gotta admit I didn't see that coming.
  9. Don't tell me what to do, and Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split ya!
  10. Huh, The NBA is a basketball league? I thought it was a fancy marketing tool for Hip-Hop gear.
  11. I think he kinda looks like the preacher from poltergeist 2
  12. For the love of everything holy, will you guts learn to right click and hit properties!
  13. Crap that was a long response! Sorry, theme of the day
  14. I have all but abandoned the sitcom now that Raymond is gone. I think the cuurent TV writers need to revisit the types of shows that were sucessful in the past. I think if the Cosby show were released in this decade it would still be sucessful.
  15. No, please explain. It looks like he's back peddaling to me?
  16. So, how do you know what was going on in DJ's head? You are looking at a snapshot of a moment and making a judgement call. What happened before? What happened after? The simple fact is we need a tough coach, not a buddy for the players. The authority figures in my life that I respect the most as I look back are not the ones who stroked me to make me feel good, but the ones who challenged me, and disciplined me. The guys who kicked me in the shorts when I needed it. Would you go to your boss at the most crucial time of the work week, when his attention needs to be on the task at hand and talk to him about a personal problem? Timing is everything. Professionals do their job! Flat out! The DB had a job to do.
  17. What did you expect a personal hand written apology from Ralph in the mail?
  18. Just like when I was 17 years old and called in to work and said I couldn't make it in because my car broke down. The manager said "I don't see how that is my problem, if you want your job, find a way to get here". Yeah it was harsh, and I was ticked, but I found a way to work and learned a very valuable lesson. The young man had a job to do, and that job, done well would indeed make his financial problems disappear. Sounds line tough love to me. Also, even at league minimus I have a hard time with poor professional athlete stories.
  19. I'm tired of all of this "proven winner" talk, because this guy has a winning regular season record. Let's talk playoff appearances, championships, big games. After all isn't that the goal? Sherman arguably had the talent in Green Bay at times to make a run, but the run wasn't made. I'm really neutral on the whole coach choice, but I just don't understand how this guy got the respect of 80% of our fan base in the matter of a couple of weeks. The largest topic of discussion here at TSW concerning Sherman was the picture of him asleep, until Marv made his choice, now all of the sudden its piss and moan, piss and moan. I suspect if Sherman were hired it would have been the same sh--. Everybody step back away from your keyboards and take a few deep breaths!
  20. You might be feeling the temperature of the wrong water.
  21. Stop it, filthy optomist. We're DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!!!!!!!
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