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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. I do not like snakes on a plane I do not like them on a train I do not like them here or there I do not like them anywhere
  2. Cool, Irv is a really nice guy. I had the privilege of meeting him, and chatting with him on several occasions last summer. I was impressed how humble and unassuming he was. He seems to have a great deal of genuine affection for WNY.
  3. Play Ball Toucher Touch Some Balls
  4. The only time I can stand anybody from Hollywood is when they are pretending to be someone else in a movie. That is exactly why I do not watch the Oscars. Make a joke about their "religion" of choice, and nothing, but if you zing Jesus or the Pope they would pee themselves laughing. And just for the record I'm damn tired of having this gay cowboy crap pushed down our throats!
  5. They "migrated" to WNY with alot of help from the DEC. I believe it was in effort to control the deer population, now there are wildcats/mountain lions in effort to control the coyote population. It kinda reminds me of the old lady that swallowed a fly. The sad thing is when I was a kid, we could go into the woods without fear. I don't trust sending my boys into the woods, and wouldnt want to camp on the hill behind my parent's house without a firearm.
  6. Wow, they really have a hard time spelling over there.
  7. As I see it you are a rank amateur. I have 5 boys with one on the way Boy 1- 7 years old Boy 2- 6 years old (10 months apart. The Dr. said 6 weeks!) Boy 3- 4 years old Boy 4- 3 years old (13 months apart) Boy 5- 1 year old next month. Child 6- Due in June or July My advice is keep up the good work. I need someone else in the world to take the pressure off. Enjoy your family.
  8. It must have been that clone chicken that the Colonel was growing in secret labs.
  9. Can someone translate this into english. I do not speak in jive.
  10. I think passing judgement on JP right now either way would be short sighted. Before last season we knew he might be o.k. if the defense was great, and the offense didn't ask too much of him. The defense blew chunks, and the expectation became too great. The sad thing is due to a lack of leadership, the 2005 season was absolutely useless.
  11. I don't know why it came out as one choice. I put two separate responses on two separate lines.
  12. Is it or is it not proper message board etiquette not to shout at people?
  13. You get those big dry crispy ones that are entangled in nose hair, and there is only one way to get rid of them. Pick. Did you ever have one that felt all dry and crusty, but when you pull it, it turns out that it is attached to a long juicy part, and it feels like part of it comes from deep within your scull?
  14. Yeah, in the words of Chris Roche (that's how he spelled it back in da day) "Janet Jackson, I've wanted to knock her boots ever since she was Penny on Good Time" Them's some big boots right now.
  15. If you had "AN EXPERIENCED FITTER" alter the penis muffler from ebay for you, it would end up looking like a piece of belly button lint.
  16. From recent threads, I kept passing my cursor over this one to see what she looked like originally. It looks like a painting.
  17. She may reside in Germany, but I don't think she is of German descent. Other than that, WOW. I liked JP's my space comments. I noticed he is "a" quarterback for the Bills, not "the". Maybe he needs to lay of the drums a little and spend more time prepping for his day job. Rumor has it he's a pretty good drummer.
  18. Properly officiated to achieve the objective A Steelers win.
  19. I like to walk around all day telling people I hope you enjoy your V.D.
  20. Do you suppose the obvious vocal similarity to the cookie monster on Sesame St. was intentional?
  21. Cool! I can't imagine putting that much effort into something the rain will wash away. I wonder If he gets paid by sponsors?
  22. I hope this is a joke. It would be cool if the captains refused to go out for the coin toss if Brady's doing it. The worst thing is that Madden will be there blabbing about Brady's "form" or something stupid.
  23. There are alot of forgettable people who play. I have always been intrigued by athletes who could have done it who never found themselves in the right place. A high school kid in a small town who gets no attention by recruiters. The small college kid who goes by without notice, that type of thing.
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