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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. After the first two, If you are expecting realism, you just aren't paying attention. Usually I can get engrossed in a movie and get past it, but these flicks just leave me thinking "Okay, that could never ever happen". That guy could ride an atomic bomb out of an airplane and use the explosion to propel him into a backflip and land on his feet. No parachute necessary. All in all, I won't see it until a very slow Blockbuster night in the future.
  2. The Bible actually says that the rain falls on the just and the unjust, it would stand to reason that the same could be said of any weather or natural disaster. 1 Kings 19: 11-12 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake: 12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. I think we attribute weather phenomena to the Lord, when He prefers the still smallvoice.
  3. My memories of Peerless as a Bill are good ones, and I'm hoping he can get back the magic. I do think that will be difficult without Moulds on the other side of the field.
  4. But why would anyone do that when there is access to the brain trust we know as TSW?
  5. Apparently you don't believe in Hell. Then again you could sit in a jail cell for the rest of your life...stupid you are, then go to hell.
  6. She never quite mqde it back after the baby either.
  7. Actually, Hunam waste, and farts cotain methane. Haven't you and your buddies ever set farts on fire? It is the methane that burns. I have a friend who owns a septic service, and he was telling me septic systems have exploded from contact open flame. That would be the methane.
  8. This reminds me of the airbrush threads that were here a while back.
  9. I faced that a long time ago, I was just hoping to stabilize around $1.97
  10. We have 5 boys with # 6 on the way all under 7. First, definitely, don't keep a totally silent house. TV or radio on, etc ...then they sleep thru whatever, including siblings running and tearing through the house. Few babies sleep thru the night until about 3 months old, so don't count on it till then (of course babies can't read calendars, so this is approximate.) Breastfed babies eat approx. every 2 hours, bottlefed approx every 4 hours. THe nurses at the hospital probably already did their part to try to start you on this schedule. Swaddling is great for many babies (wrapping up in the blankets like they did in the hospital) bc many babies "jerk" and startle themselves awake when sleeping. For me, getting up during the night was never a super problem as I'm a night owl. My suggestion: feed them in front of the tv with the lights low in a recliner (or armchair). Unfortunately, I often drift off to sleep with baby finishing bottle and drifting off too, wake up stiff and carefully try to put baby back into basinette, etc, baby wakes up and says "hey, it's about 4 hrs later...a bottle would be a great idea". My husband usually jokes that after the baby's born, he'll see me in about 3 months when they start sleeping thru the night. The dryer and sweeper never worked for me. Holding them swaddled horizontally (like when you're feeding them, with head in one crook of arm, other hand patting/rubbing their bottom end repeating softly "sh-sh-sh" while jiggling them rhythmically) works for crying during the day. Holding them and taking your hand and stroking with your finger from forehead down bridge of nose keeps making them close their eyes and often works. ONe of our boys fought sleep something terrible and wouldn't go to sleep unless you put a face diaper or blanket over their head so they couldn't look around. I swear by a pacifier, but you have to train your baby to use one...don't assume just because they don't just pick it up in their hand and start chewing on day one that they won't use one. A soft face diaper or blanket between face and hand to feel works great. Or putting them down with diaper/blanket/stuffed animal that's been next to you so it "smells" like you works. Many babies don't like big spaces and won't sleep well in a huge crib (block off part of the space). It's not socially acceptable today, but some babies do better on their tummies (pacifier in mouth protects against SIDS). If your baby is getting closer to 3 months and you don't roll around alot when sleeping, pick them up and cuddle them in bed with you. Sometimes being warm and cosy, they'll decide to sleep a couple extra hours, but I don't roll around when I sleep. (No, you don't have problems with the kid in bed forever. They seem to have a built in "I need my own space" thing about 6-8 months or so where they just want to be laid down to stretch out and go to sleep. Schedule is important, I"ll agree. Good luck! Incidentally, don't believe the old wives' tales about feeding the baby cereal, more milk, etc will fill them up so they sleep longer. Babies have stomachs the size of their fist and can only hold so much, plus can't swallow cereal that young, can't digest it well, etc. and cereal clogs up bottle nipple holes. Plus whatever you put in will come out the other end...meaning too many ounces means wet diaper faster, or will barf it up, etc. There really are no short cuts. Just hang in there. Enjoy the bonding time and cuddling.
  11. They could have noted the constituants only thing up front. I hope Kathy Young gets one of these puppies going. We can't do it without her.
  12. It looks like there is a slightly different angle if you really study it. In the valley in the back, there may be a little bit less snow in one than the other.
  13. No, No, He's a religious wacko, so everything he says means he's off his nut.
  14. Is this who you would wish it on, or who you actually expect it will happen to? I would always wish a losing record on the pokes, but don't really expect that to be the case. The Raiders seem to be likely suspects to me.
  15. The fact of the matter is when you suck you don't get the prime time games. When the Bills of the 90's were kicking butt and taking names they got prime time games with regularity.
  16. Induce arousal. Remove the erect member. Hand the guy a needle and a spool of thread, and say "Good luck with that"
  17. The truth is, if Hollywood was counting on me for much money, they would be in big trouble, but I find myself being drawn to fewer movies all of the time. One major factor in that is IMO, that very few pictures are worthy of the big screen. Cinematography is not what it used to be.
  18. Cool, which team were you the GM of for two months? I never played, or coached football. I have always thought if I had tried out in high school I would have been good, because I am a big guy. Then I would have gone division 1. After an excellent college career I would have gone pro, but would have gotten bored with it and walked away after my first two championship rings. My sheer potential makes me an expert, and a valuable asset to this board.
  19. I find myself hoping that this is some sort of internet hoax thing, it just seems like an April fools gag. Interestingly enough, there was an article in the paper today that Hollywood saw a noticable decline in movie attendance this past year. The last movie I saw was The Lion the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and it is very likely that the next one I will se is the next in that series. Unless, of course they continue with the amazing trend of turning 70's and 80's shows into movies. I cant wait for Diff'rent Strokes the movie. The best part is Gary Coleman could still be Arnold.
  20. While doing your WNY culinary tour, don't forget the Beef on Weck!
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