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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. I don't know, I think you may have a "Jesus in the clouds" picture here. Go get your money. Is that supposed to be a play on See Our Villa?
  2. Please let me know if this works. Actaully, even if it doesn't, it could be a great story.
  3. As I was driving through the area the other day, I thought of an idea to honor Bruce when he goes into the HOF. All of the signs for Transit Road should be changed to little Bills Jerseys. Blue Jerseys with white letters.
  4. But, but, ESPN keeps ranking all facets of the team really low.
  5. One of the most over-rated of the past imo was Kordell Stewart. For a while he was on magazine covers and being compared to the likes of Marino, Elway, Young, etc. Slash was a poser. I think commentators have a tendency to over-sing the praises of Zack Thomas, but then again I am a Bills lovin' fin hater. I always hated the hype around Stev McMichael when he was with the Bears. He seemed to be on the bench sucking on the oxygen mask as much as he was on the field.
  6. I would suggest that you stop watching and listening to ESPN, and don't read their ragazine. Worst subscription I ever had, and my t-shirt was way too small.
  7. Is it my imagination, or are my replies getting deleted?
  8. Banana Boat Song? Harry Belafonte? Geez, every good Bills fan knows that's the Mighty Taco song.
  9. Gee, ya think? I suppose a good quarterback could have a positive impact. I never thought of that.
  10. That is unfortunate, because last year that proved to be the most exciting part. The best defense in the history of mankind. "Big Cat", the QB of the future. Willis is gonna run for 2000 yds. Woohoo! Playoffs here we come!!! Enjoy it until reality hits.
  11. I added my middle name, and got to be Twitch.
  12. I don't dare to try the fag name generator, If I got Knee Bender as my Hit Man name.
  13. Knee Bender Now I am gonna kill somebody!!!!!!!
  14. I was very pleased with the family section. I took a six and seven year old to the Denver Saturday Night game last year, and thing went very well. I am planning on going to family night.
  15. He's got my vote. Drop the Vice as far as I'm concerned.
  16. The sad thing is this is what I was thinking last year. What a waste. I am hoping, and I do think for JS to compliment him in writing is a good sign. Sullivan is not big on giving people strokes unless it is merited. Usually he is pretty fast to criticize. Here's hoping.
  17. That dude looks like a Savador Dahli painting. He's melting like a watch.
  18. Beat me to it. If we knew, we would just plain never eat Chinese food again.
  19. Are Libertarians liberal or conservative? Libertarians are neither. Unlike liberals or conservatives, Libertarians advocate a high degree of both personal and economic liberty. For example, Libertarians agree with conservatives about freedom in economic matters, so we're in favor of lowering taxes, slashing bureaucratic regulation of business, and charitable -- rather than government -- welfare. But Libertarians also agree with liberals on personal tolerance, so we're in favor of people’s right to choose their own personal habits and lifestyles. In a sense, Libertarians “borrow” from both sides to come up with a logical and consistent whole -- but without the exceptions and broken promises of Republican and Democratic politicians. That's why we call ourselves the Party of Principle. Source, The Libertarian Party The simple point is that NY is a blue state, and will always be a blue state. A candidate such as Rick Santorem would not stand a snowballs chance of being elected here. Then again, he may not in PA either. To me a "true" conservative meant fiscally, and socially conservitave. I don't forsee such a peson ever living in the governor's mansion.
  20. A true Conservative elected in NYS, yeah, that will be the day.
  21. What a great concept! Actually evaluating a player based on what he does on the field. Alot of NFL players are arrogant jerks, and Willis has proved to be that at times. The "best in the league" comments last year ticked me off, but I am glad to hear that he reportedly is in great physical shape and look forward to seeing what he brings to the table this year. The tide at TSW turns too quickly for me to wrap my head around.
  22. I am far from a BS fan, but count me in the get off her back camp. So, she almost fell. I fell one time while toting my infant son up the stairs to bed, and bruised the crap out of my arms and knees protecting him. As far as the baby on the lap thing, that is how my momma brought me home from the hospital. I'm not a big fan of seatbelt laws, and all of the child safety seats.
  23. Wow, tough choice. My Ranking, Calvin and Hobbes Bloom County Far Side Dennis The Menace
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