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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. A couple of years ago we were with a large group at the Old Country Buffet up on Niagara Falls Boulevard. My then five year old came over to tell me that his tummy hurt. Being a loving dad, I picked him up and hugged him. He proceeded with a power vomit that literally hit me in the chin and completely soaked my shirt and the shorts I was wearing. After about 45 minutes in the bathroom laundering my clothes with hand soap in the sink we made for the exit. While still on the Boulevard, his brother announced that he needed to puke too. All told we had 4 kids that exchanged turns hurling without warning all the way back to Olean, with on case of explosive diharrea. I wish I could say this is an exaggeration, but sadly, it is factual. I wanted to push my van over a cliff when we arrived at home.
  2. Free chat-room. WTF, am I the only one paying the monthly fee?!
  3. The amazing thing is I'm eating and listening to my Rice Krispies. "Snap, Crackle, Pop, Rice Krispies"
  4. You should know better, on a board of this high quality, a frivilous thread, and right during the height of the offseason, and on the "Off the Wall" side of the house. What the heck is the matter with you!!!!!!!!!
  5. I was hoping the letters lined up to spell a real Greek word, but no such luck.
  6. Heck of a way to try ang get rid of a RJ jersey.
  7. I think I am becoming a Libertarian. This stuff really chaps my behind. I wish the government would back away from protecting us from ourselves. If it is "highly reccomended" that you not do it, but there is no law against it, put the kid in the front. The biggest repercussion I can think of is the other 3 kids always yelling. "why does he always get to sit up front!?"
  8. After last season I would say his stock was down. I think NC is smart enough to realize that he had a sub-par year in '05, and chose a compromise. Stay with Buffalo for one year to showcase your talent, and then we won't get in your way. Do great, and you will get a boatload of cash. Hopefully that one year gets one of our draft picks the time to get his feet under him in the NFL, and then there is no problem.
  9. In the context of the extremely unlikely event that the Sabres would use the autrocity, ah forget it...the point is it looks like the frickin beast.
  10. Na, it was a Baptist church. I don't think from the stories I've heard I ever could have survived nuns. What happened, there were four of us in a row, and no lie, one right after the other our stomaches growled very loudly in order down the row. I guess you probably had to be there, but it struck us funny, and as we were holding back the snickers, guy number one burst into a full fledged belly laugh, at which point we all went ballistic. We were near the back and left very quickly after the service ended. I don't know about the other two, but my girlfriend (now wife) and I never returned to that church. I didn't dare to show my face there again.
  11. That is a funny story. If you scroll down to the picture of Mike Commodore and Rod Brind'Amour, it looks like the Stanley Cup is a prop in gay porn or something.
  12. Without the description, Nobody, and I mean Nobody would ever be able to guess what the "artist", and I use the term loosely intended to represent. You could have offered me a million dollars to tell you what the lines represented...No clue. craptacular indeed!
  13. I think Disney might sue, because it looks an awful lot like the beast from Beauty and the Beast.
  14. I have a feeling if that were in English I would have about peed myself laughing, pretty funny as is. My worst time for inappropriate laughter was when we got going during a communion service once in college. We never visited that church again.
  15. This was an excellent use of a "____________ than hell". It always bothers me when people say things that don't make sense, my personal favorite is "colder than hell. I presume that hell is rather busy, but there's always room for more.
  16. I put in my nine hours. Just another week for me as Tuesday is always my day off, but at least this Tuesday I gety to see people blow things up.
  17. Please explain why. Marv Levy still appears to be sharper than a tack, and could probably outrun you. I have said it before, and I'll say it again, ruling someone out simply because of his age is just asinine. I don't believe Marv is intended to be a long term answer, rather, he was brought in to bring some much needed stability. To me this offseason shows a stability to be admired. He and DJ formulated a plan, and picked not the most popular players, but guys that they think will fit their scheme. I'm hoping it doesn't change, but at least to this point they aren't trying to sell us the "team on the cusp of a championship" crap we got from the last front office.
  18. Judging by the pictures, I'm sure there are alot of men who would like her for something other than her money.
  19. No. I just copy the post and add a brief reply about how friggin long it is.
  20. I followed this link, and all I found was a very unfavorable review of the Bills. I should have started a new thread "PFT ranks Bills 32 out of 32 teams", but I dindn't dare.
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