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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. That is not a flattering picture of Holcomb. Looks like he oughta be driving a Fit.
  2. “I think every decade has an moronic blonde — like Marilyn Monroe or Princess Diana — and right now, I’m that moron.” Much easier to digest
  3. I couldn't help but notice the slug=sabres in the link stupid banana slug.
  4. The lady with the cell phone really ought to sue the cell phone company. I just checked mine, and there is no "Do not eat label", how is a body supposed to know.
  5. The fact that anyone would want to view the film for any reason is deeply disturbing. Explain for me any possible reason that anybody would need to see it. If it were your children or your family would you need to view it, or find it entertaining. I know "lighten up Francis", let us get back to our twisted lives desensitized by the entertainment industry and media to the point we can rationalize this to ourselves. Didn't click on the link, don't plan to.
  6. Yes, but how will we get a pair of Abe Vigoda's pants.
  7. Stylized bovines, deer, antelopes, goats, sheep, pigs What is that all about?
  8. I guessed right, my wife guessed g. As to the penny dillemma, I think they should make pennies every five years instead of yearly, and make it illegal to hoard pennies. I know I have a gallon in the other room. The fine for hoarding...Your pennies.
  9. Great NYS minimum is now 6.75, so we'll see you at training camp.
  10. I stand corrected. I see that the latest album was certified platinum. Link Oddly enough I haven't heard a song off the album. So it wasn't career suicide, but they certainly don't seem to hold the same level of notoriety they once had.
  11. I don't remember this from before, but when I hit it the other day, my 4 year old glommed on to it and has been annoying my wife with it since. Pretty easy song for a 4 year old to learn.
  12. It's got to be JSP. BOTD means 365 a year. BOTWTHIFLI is more like it.
  13. I think the problem with the Dixie Chicks was that they blindsided what was for the most part a very conservative fan base. Trust me, many of their former fans, seeing the true cat out of the bag have chosen the "just don't go route". The political statements were career suicide. Very brave, of really stupid, you make the call.
  14. I'm still thinking the Bills worked out a deal with NC, based on the fact that last season was sub-par. They bought a year of his services to let the young guys get some experience, and this year will also give Nate the time to play well enough to get his $ back up. It is a win-win proposition. I have to think last season dropped his stock. Come back for one year, play well, and go with our blessing.
  15. I'm looking frorward to seeing this one on CSI Miami. They will figure this one out in under an hour. It did not mention that the pants were red white and blue Zubaz.
  16. The map for here looked like Monopoly houses. I guess they haven't flown by yet.
  17. I think the values they are showing for my neighborhood are low, but according to our mayor all of our homes are under-assessed. Also my house was the last one on the street that was for sale, and we have been here 10 years.
  18. "So we're not doing the voice anymore?" "Sooooo played."
  19. Another time, a buddy and I went to a chinese restaraunt for lunch, and I ate something wrong. It was one of those deals where I was holding it in my mouth trying to make it to the bathroom, but didn't. My buddy got a case of the sympathy pukes and joined me in yakking all over the kitchen floor. My wife timed it out perfectly and walked in to find two grown men hurling all over the kitchen floor. Her facial expression was priceless.
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