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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. The way this year is beginning to unfold is proof that last year was a total waste. They are doing what was promised last year, strong d, good special teams, running the ball, and putting JP in a manageable game plan to keep the pressure off him. He doesn't have to step up and win the game, just keep his head and not lose it. I think by the end of the season we will be pretty impressed with our QB. I do expect JP to pass more against the Jets, but not enough to start him on my fantasy team.
  2. At the beginning of the 2nd half it looked like most of the people were still out at the john or the beer line. If the stadium was almost full, they photo shopped a bunch of emty seats in for tv.
  3. I too also fell off my couch when I heard that, especially the "Watch out for the Bills" part.
  4. Yeah, that's what all the devil worshippers say to try and cover their tracks.
  5. I don't think others got this post. I read it as an obvious reference to the Willis haters on this board, not a slam on Barry. I could be wrong. I appreciate the sentiment, and am a Willis hopeful, not a Willis hater, but, that being said WM has a looooooooooooooooooooooong way to go before being compared to Barry in any way. I'm curious, are we Talking Yinka Dare, the former George Washington University center as the creator of the clip. I suppose ther aren't very many Yinka Dares kicking aroun out there.
  6. That's the deal. Good teams win. Buffalo was a small market team in the SB years too, but a good small market team. I don't recall the rest of America getting on board, and saying, Yay, the Bills in the SB again". Yes, there were some poor calls in the NE game, but the intensity of the Bills, and aggresiveness also dropped dramatically. There were several factors that added up to a loss, and poor officiating, though a factor, was not the largest.
  7. Enjoyable read. Thanks for the preview. SQUISH THE FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Six kids here, and they were split 50/50 3 liked bath time, 3 didn't. Just get it over as quick as you can. As was already stated, some kids just hate a bath.
  9. Give it a year, we barbeque it, and depending on how it tastes, we will know the signifigance of this.
  10. What a shocker. I have never met and Wallers in person, but check in daily. You just can't brace yourself for these things. Prayers going out.
  11. Geez, Looks like re-assignment surgery. Checking for an Adam's apple.
  12. I'm starting to feel it. Keep going!
  13. I love how his opponent continues to taunt him after his leg nearly falls off. I wish I could hear what he was saying.
  14. couldn't they come up with a Bruschi injury tie in? Its like they're not even trying!
  15. What, were allowed to dog someone other than Willis. It's just so hard to move on when he is so untalented, unmotivated, pitiful, poopie doo doo head, caca... I just don't get it.
  16. Where's Puhonix? Say something to piss us off!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I had a big job on my hands tonight getting my 2nd grader to write out his stupid spelling words....Nah, no weed until he's at least ten.
  18. Cram the ball down MM's throat. "Don't worry guys, they have Willis in on third down. They aren't as smart as me. They don't know he needs a breather. They won't pick it up...Doh!!!!"
  19. I bit also. After reading this thread, I must admit, I think the fervor of my hatred for Miami has died down a little. Don't get me wrong, I want to see the fish swished and all, but I just don't feel it as much. I think the retirement of my central figures of hatred, Shula and Marino (especially Marino), took some of my steam. They really don't have anybody that inspires violent hatred in me. My hatred still exists, but I need somebody on that team to exit the tunnel at the Ralph with both middle fingers up to stoke my furnace again.
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