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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. The quote was "no one chooses to be homosexual", and that is simply not true, as most statements that begin with "no one" or "everyone" are not true. I appreciate your tolerance of my opinion.
  2. Once again I am reminded that i need to be much more imaginative in choosing a handle. Hey Nick, how about a NSFW there buddy! That was fun trying to explain to the wife as she just happened by.
  3. Let me be the first to say, that this is one of the most idiotic lines of bull that I have ever read or heard. We are all responsible for choosing our sexual behavior, even if we have certain tendencies. I am certain I was born with the desire to have sex with multiple women, and it still resides in me. I have chosen to commit myself to a monogamous union with my wife. I was born one way, and chose a higher road. I also know several people who chose to live "in the life" for a short period of time and then reversed the course. Sorry for the brief hijack, I just couldn't let it go by. If you are looking for my "I was just grumpy" apology, don't hold your breath! If this story were substantiated, the player should be dealt with. Name the name, or don't write the story.
  4. I have to agree. I am not considered a JP basher, but it is a stretch to say he is the reason the Bills are better this year. He is improving, and I am happy with that. He is a contributor to the Bills being better, but for the most part is not screwing up to negate all of the other improvements.
  5. You have to keep it in context. Marv had the luxury of seldom needing a rookie to produce quickly, and an atmosphere where a young player had to fight to earn a spot on a great team.
  6. Will Captain Bob find his wallet? Tune in next week for Piiiiiiiiiiiiiigs iiiiiiiiin Spaaaaaace! sorry. Next week will be huge. The last several years, we have been flirted with at times, onlt to see collapse after collapse. I hope we avoid the let down.
  7. I have been very impressed (mostly in game two) with the lack of drive killing stupid penalties called against the Bills. I hope that trend continues. As you stated, alot of the same guys, so it points to discipline. A better coached team.
  8. Take him to the taffy pulling room
  9. I Salute you. Get home safe. Glad you got to see the Fish Squshed!
  10. This thread is tinkering with the Bills' mojo in a very danerously jinxy manner.
  11. but, but, Marv's never been a GM, and he's an idiot.
  12. No way Man, Marv is old and senile. He just hired DJ because he was an ivy league crony, not to mention he was the least expensive Head Coaching option available. Ralph Wilson is off his nut. Did I mention that Marv is old. Oldey old olllllllllllllllld! To quote my old sinature line "Go Marv, for we are here to cheer for you!"
  13. Criticism of Losman at this point is just asinine. Yes, his numbers were low, but because he did what he was asked to do. They didn't pass much. AS a Bills fan, If I can assume you are, would you have run less and passed more yesterday. The coaches are putting Losman in the best possible position for him to grow. We are getting what MM and his brain trust promised last year. JP is not expected to go to the pro-bowl this year. He is expected to show growth, which he is doing. One last point I Hate, no HATE, HATE!!!! when people find a way to complain right after the Bills beat the Dolphins.
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