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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. Since when is enjoying a win getting carried away? I got carried away when Jim Kelly dove into the endzone in Miami as the time expired. I got carried away when flutie rolled out and ran it in late to win a game, and I don't give a rats azz who you are playing against. JP led the team down the field, and Price made a spectacular catch to secure the win. I'm enjoying it, and you pucker butts are not going to discourage me!
  2. My fellow Bills fans are an odd lot. If someone in the media discounted this win for the same reason, people here would scream bloody murder, but then we go and do the same thing. A win is a win, and JP threw the ball well. I suppose the Colt's in your opinion had a let down game last week, and the Bills defense had nothing to do with the fact that outside of a missed field goal Indy would have one in the L column. This is not a great team at this point, but I appreciate the fact that they are still scrapping and trying to win.
  3. For a long time now, I have been saying "Just seal the deal, and take this game", and I was saying it again today. It's about time!!!! Hopefully it becomes contagious. The Bills have had alot of close games over the last few years, most of them losses. After the let-downs we have faced over the last two seasons, I'm afraid to get too optomistic.
  4. No matter what the cause, Playing a lesser defense, or the o-line playing better, JP showed today, that given some time he can be a pretty effective QB. What we need to see now is some consistency. Based on what he showed today, I would much rather spend draft picks on offensive lineman than on another rookie QB. Too many sure bets (Marinovich, Leaf, Jeff George, etc.) have ended up being poor performers in the NFL. JP is improving. Let's just hope it continues.
  5. Although there were many who were theists, or diests, there were also many who were Christian. Despite that point, the God of the Deist would rarely be welcom by today's interpretations of the founding fathers.
  6. I don't really care how a student government starts their meetings, but I would suspect it is a bigger issue than that. Why is this news? It is a political statement they are trying to make. This violation of separation of Church and State crap doesn't wash with me. It is such a flagrant violation of what "separation" was intended to mean that this "pledge" had to be secretly hidden away since the 1940's so that no one would be offended, and the flagrant violation would not be noticed.
  7. Crap, does that mean I can no longer use the "Holiday Tree" that I bought last year now that Wal-Mart has decided it is Christmas again?
  8. I want to thank you for posting that. I have spent the last couple of days wit Thurman, Andre, Lofton, McKellar, Bruce, Dr. Sack, Conlan, Talley, and of course Q. Bills (I think Kelly had his own game that year, so they couldn't use his name). Kicking the living crap out of the league has been very therapeutic. I have noticed, there must have been a computer program from the Chicago area with an over inflated view of Harbaugh, but still whaled on the Bears. Now back to this present reality, and the Bills season in progress. Thanks again
  9. Having broken a rib, I doubt he will be back this season. I remember that breathing itself was a painful activity, let alone the pounding an NFL running back takes. I already scooped up the A-Train in fantasy ball.
  10. My initial post had nothing to do with poitical thought. I'm just tired of hearing the same damn song over and over and over and over and over and over....
  11. I enjoyed wathcing him spitting a frustrated lougie as he exited the field
  12. I was thinking the same thing today.
  13. Is anybody else about ready to tear Mellencamp's head off and beat dents in a Chevy truck with it, or am I the only one who is about to flip out if I have to hear that dumb song twice every break during every stinking game I watch?
  14. You must be kidding me. Who masterminded this ingenious political maneuver? Why is it that any headline that hits concerning homosexuality on any level is suddenly a crafty political move to stir the right wing voters? Heb 10:25 "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is..." This Bible? 1Ti 3:2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; If you believe that this bride is "The Church", then how do you explain the children in "His own house" in verse 4? This guy is an idiot in the mold of Jimmy Swaggart publically decrying his own private problem. Actually this is more common than you would think. Private guilt often drives someone to publicly oppose what they do in secret, sort of preaching to themselves.
  15. I can't buy into a "win at any cost" mentality. If T.O. was in a Buffalo uniform I would constantly taste puke in my throat. I would have a serious problem. My guess is the problem started a long time ago with coaches that thought, "this kid is a prick, but hey, we're winning" As long as a team is willing to retain his services his attitude is validated. I wish he had to spend a year as a regular working stiff.
  16. The one guy is just a poor singer (the louder one), the other one is tone deaf. I will give them credit for the lyric, and stringing together the video, however, some chronological order could have helped.
  17. Joh 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
  18. But we didn't give Hobert enough time to develop. How was he supposed to know to read the play book. Nobody told him.
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