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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. I still prefer the DJ - Count Chocula posted when he was hired, right here at home.
  2. Mrs. Worth, AP English & Lit. It is interesting how we always used to refer to teachers with the phrase "I had her in ____ grade" Thanks to the Letourneau's and LaFaves of the world, that just has a whole new twist
  3. I always thought it was Occum's Razor, did Occum switch to an electric?
  4. As I remember Marino was one of the biggest titty baby whiners in the league.
  5. The sad part is that LT could accidently fall into a meat grinder before Sunday and Michael Turner will still come in and rip us for well over 100 yards. I think the Chargers may end up bieng the hornets in the aforementioned nest. I hope I'm wrong. Go Bills!
  6. Force Turnovers, Get solid pressure on Rivers, and keep track of the TE at all times. The play of our linebackers has me concerned. They will have to have a huge game.
  7. Yeah, he is deliberately playing just well enough to win a few games and screw us. After all, he is a TD pick. Could be a Son of Satan thing. As soon as we pass up Quinn in the draft he will regress horribly
  8. I seem to vaguely remember the Bills getting flagged once for a player launching himself off another player. I think it was on a field goal.
  9. TD for the fabulous insight to select Roscoe
  10. Hey I voted for him. He's only 40% behind Brees. With a late rally we can still win this thing!
  11. If you had asked me at the beginning of the season if I would be happy with 5-6 at this point I'm sure I would have said yes. I was hoping for 8-8 then, and I still think that would be great progress. It is neat to have a glimmer of hope, even an itty bitty microscopic glimmer.
  12. Nope, I have a 19" that I got when the hospital was selling off the old ones, and it was pretty clear. Man, I gotta get a new tv.
  13. Are we talking about the Ebay alarm clock?
  14. With what the Bills D has been giving up on the ground, I'm not looking forward to LT coming to town.
  15. I think so. As long as he was the complete package, blocking and a receiving threat.
  16. Please tell me, considering Royal's full body of work that this is sarcasm
  17. I'd like to shove some people off the Bills fan wagon. How in the heck can you be negative after that game. This team needs to learn how to win, and for two weeks they have done that. GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  18. People always enjoy a well landscaped playground.
  19. In the theatre of my mind as I listen to Murph. If I didn't have previous commitments that prevent me from being there I would be there.
  20. Geez, I've been telling my people for quite some time that I have a crush on Jessica. I gotta get new people. Yes something looks crazy wierd in that commercial.
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