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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. If you want to wear your jersey, the safest place would be the scoreboard end-zone. Wear it proud, move over there and cheer really loud!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. A Tim Horton's coffee with a Krisp Kreme doughnut (only if the "Hot Now" sign is on). That would be a beautiful thing.
  3. When the seats around you are empty, you can make alot more noise by banging and stomping the seats
  4. I've been critical of the guy, but Robert Royal is starting to shut my mouth.
  5. I find it comical that people who have uprooted, and completely abandoned WNY sit in other cities and throw stones at those who live here for not buying tickets. Move back here, and then we'll talk.
  6. I don't understand why this was in the original thread, but found it funny Sign
  7. How about some love for Timex, good old Don Beebe at the wideout spot. You could hit him witha truck and he wouldn't drop the ball, and don't forget his heart, chasing down Leon Lett. He may not have benn as talented as others, but is one of those "character guys" I like on my team. QB: Kelly, Ferguson, Reich HB: OJ, Thurman, Kenny Davis FB: Gash WR: Andre, Moulds, Evans, Beebe TE: Metzellars & Next years draft pick OL: Electric Co. with Hull, House Ballard, and Reuben Brown as backups DE: Bruce Smith, Schoebel, Phil Hansen, Dr. Sack NT/DT - Ted Washington, Pat Williams LB - TKO, Biscuit, Talley, Spielman, Fletcher-Baker. CB - Nate Clements, Nate Odomes, Antoine Winfield, McGee, S - Mark Kelso, Kurt Schulz, Whitner, Henry Jones P - Brian Moorman K - Steve Christie I know this eliminates many great players, but I was born in 1970 and have to go with what I know.
  8. It always was easy to rattle him and get him off his game. Glad to see he is still a big baby. Even with the power of editing, sometimes little temper tantrums get out to the public. In my stint in broadcasting, I used to get a little bit steamed, and yell S O B. No problem, you just re-cut the take, only problem is if the file doesn't re-write to the hard drive before it airs. Pretty embarassing listening to your own weather forecast and hearing yourself yell S O B over the air. Station manager called me and said "I take it you are having a bad morning?" Fortunately it was the only call I received. Oh, the joys of small market radio.
  9. That's what his mom would look like if she fed him Combos
  10. I don't think real winter weather would immediately be an advantage for this Bills team, as we have alot of young players with little experience playing in it. But watching the fags freeze is always a good time. Down with the fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I'm buying in!! Count me as a Billiever!! Onb to filet the fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. The hatred for "x-mas" is based on a lack of understanding of the origin. X is the sign of the cross, a cross the symbol of Christ. When a person was illiterate, and needed to sign a document, an X was used as an oath in place of the signature. The X in x-mas was not intended to avoid the name of Christ, but as a symbol of it. Happy Holidays to you. just kidding Merry Christmas
  13. She's gotta learn the simple rule, when you let one fly, look for the person that looks most likely to have done it and quietly start pointing his way, while waving your hand in front of your nose. Works like a charm.
  14. You never heard of Franklin? I think all of the different balls at the school I went to were Franklins.
  15. Cleaning the Meat Department at Tops (consistently worst job) Cleaning the grease pit under the sink at McDonalds (smelliest job) Selling Thermalguard windows (shortest job I ever had)
  16. I believe in God, and I have all of my eggs in Jesus' basket. He said "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father, but by me". According to him, those who say all roads lead to the same place are almost correct. One leads to Eternity with God.
  17. At least we're beating the Jets, I hope that is a good sign.
  18. You could be in front of Greg Wiggle Geez, do you want to kill somebody!
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