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Everything posted by phypon

  1. Chargers kicker is going to need an ice bath after this one for all the PAT's he's going to kick.
  2. This team is so bad I'm not even mad. That real stinker is that both lines are so bad you can't even "evaluate" anyone. On offense, Allen has no time and the receivers couldn't catch a cold. All it is is 3 and out on O and TD on D. I didn't check TOP for the last game. I have to look that up. I'm curious what that number will average over the course of a full season. I'm sure they will be ranked last there.
  3. Oh my! Defense almost intercepted the snap!!!
  4. I'll say 6. How many holding penalties does the OL generate?
  5. Darnlold looking very good. Also, he has a TON of time. Hey, good for the kid, hope he does well.
  6. Same here. Mowens is doing a better job than when she called a Bills game some time ago. She was terrible during that game (laughing and getting players name and backgrounds completely wrong). Even though she is doing a better job tonight, I can't stand her or her partner's voice tonight. I signed into my VPN and I'm listening to 98.7 for commentators. I just had to mute those two. They are making my ears bleed.
  7. They can def hold. That's why they have all of those pre-season penalties! I keed, I keed. Good point.
  8. I don't doubt your sincerity and I appreciate your honest answers. I know you're not being malicious in any way, shape, or form but I think greenblitz's statement is true. I'm also not trying to be malicious, I'm just stating my constructive observation.
  9. Let's try another question. What if the OP is black (or identifies with being black)? Is the OP still considered a racist and only posting the vid based on race? I just want to add that I don't find the video humorous in any way. That's not my type of humor. However, others are free to find it funny.
  10. Serious question. If Leodis was white would you consider the original post racist?
  11. I think it's appalling that there are people saying that the OP posting this vid is racist. That leap is absolute insanity! Anyone that equates the posting of what was meant to be a humorous vid (whether you think it's funny or not) to racism needs some serious help. This stuff is getting beyond ridiculous now.
  12. I didn't read all of the pages of the thread so not sure if it's been posted. The "comeback" always wells me up. It is the epitome of what it means to be a Bills fan. To never give up, to always keep trying, to be an underdog, to have your back against the wall and prevail. To me, that game sums up a personal philosophy of overcoming adversity and I also think that most Bills fans appreciate that old school, blue color philosophy.
  13. At the same time aren't you then claiming that you know what was not in the emails? If not, given the suspicious nature of that event it would stand to reason that there was something to hide. But, this is neither here nor there.
  14. Well, you clearly believe in freedom of speech so why are you upset with anything that Trump has said? Oh, and from her own mouth, Hillary said that she deleted the emails. Really, guy??
  15. The NFL is a business. If the majority of their customers wanted players to kneel, this would be a different discussion. Since the NFL does not want the players to kneel, it's obvious that the majority is being represented. Make sense?
  16. Yes, and Lewenski, Jones, and all of the people that "disappeared". Saints I tell ya, saints!
  17. Except for the fact that the majority of the public that funded the stadium doesn't want players to take a knee. So there
  18. So given the context is it okay to say that Hillary is not a patriot and hates vets because she "wiped" her server concealing she sold US secrets to other countries? Should we out of nowhere just start talking about why the sky is blue to divert/deflect from the actual content at hand?
  19. Not really. It's democracy at it's finest. The majority have spoken. It's about time the majority gets it's say.
  20. Who on this board/thread has disrespected the service of Senator McCain? If you really want to reach, maybe flat Earth theory is your game.
  21. LOL! Much needed comic relief! Well played, sir!
  22. Well said. Great analogy. The next thing you know people will complain that the players have to wear "uniforms" and that it suppresses their freedom of expression and that the NFL should have "casual Sundays". They just don't get it.
  23. Yes, because wikipedia is known as a trustworthy source. You really want to split hairs and detract from the point I made? Seriously?? Take spitting off of the table. Shouting, screaming, and belittling vets that were DRAFTED to go to war whether of their own volition or not, that behavior is okay though because there was no spitting. Therefore, it's okay to dishonor them while honoring them. Bizzaro!
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