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Everything posted by phypon

  1. Talking about allegations has nothing to do with you abusing your ridiculous "moderator" powers on a message board. Do you understand that those injuries seem to have occurred AFTER she appears to have willingly performed falatio on said punter? I thing you should lose your moderator status.
  2. No, I haven't seen him being accused by more people.
  3. Oh, I see, you're a moderator. Go ***** yourself simon. You threaten people and then want to lock accounts. Please....
  4. What are you talking about?
  5. You just crossed the line with that comment. I'm not going to go all keyboard warrior here. Any chance you live in RI? Your other comments are fully accepting allegations as facts. The events described by the accuser seem to exonerate the accused. Just so you understand, if he is guilty, I hope he gets jail. Until proven, because the current details seem a little suspect so far, I'm not going to say he is guilty. Do you comprehend that?
  6. After Araiza is my point. And of course I see your point, if she was raped, that's horrible. Absolutely horrible.
  7. She said she had sex with multiple men. Her claim and words.
  8. Can you prove that Araiza caused those or can you check yourself real quick?
  9. No one is saying that should have happened. A person would have to be a sick **** to say that or think that.
  10. Punter has sex with a girl that lied about her age while going to a party for college kids. Woman then has sex with other men the same night after him. Woman consciously performs oral on said punter, then says she was unconscious. Punter is a criminal because said woman lied and agreed to sex. Punter gets fired...
  11. So this girl already has a lie under her belt by saying she was older than she actually was at the time...good start to her case....
  12. I think there is def more to this and most likely proof that he is innocent (my opinion that doesn't really matter). IF so, I hope he sues the ***** out of her. If otherwise, I hope he gets what he deservers. I think that is a fair statement.
  13. If true, he should be punished to fullest extent. If untrue, she should be punished to the same fullest extent. Hope all of the facts come out for both parties and punishment is leveled as such.
  14. I've always pronounced his name as "hack" until I heard a pre-season game this year and heard it pronounced as "hawk". I'm either a bad Bills fan or my pronunciation is spot on...
  15. Can't wait for this to happen! Yes, it will be a really good thing!
  16. Keenum is "ceasing" his opportunity...okay, a bit of a stretch with that one.
  17. The team would have to be completely decimated by illness or injuries by week 3 with a roster completely comprised of 2nd and 3rd stringers from there on out with a record of 3-7 with blowout, lopsided loses up to that point only to have it turn around and win a SB.
  18. If I'm the Bills' brass I play 4d chess. We tank this year and get good draft position and picks next year. After such a horrible season, no one will see us coming the following year and then, bam! SB Champs!! That's how you play the hype machine. Drops mic...
  19. This was awesome. Love the Whaley comment towards the end and what he said about Freddie being his favorite teammate and player of all time.
  20. Really hope he retires a Bill. The 54th man on the roster!
  21. I think he should work his magic and make a one day retirement deal with the Chiefs (I know he didn't play for them). Maybe he still has some curse magic left in him and can help the Bills one last time to seal a SB visit/win.
  22. But does Danny know what the Zapruder film is??
  23. I think you mean "just bc Nate Clements hit on Brady".
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